Abstract Presenter Listing

TitleFirst NameLast NameOrganisationCountryPaper #Paper TitlePresentation StatusTheme
DrDaliaAlonyLaw And Business Academic Center, Ramat GanIsrael384 Character Strengths and Physical Exercise: Associations with Well-being and Resilience in Young Adults in Times of Crisis
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrsBiancaKislanskyThe Happiness SocietyBrazil428 The implementation of a Happiness Center in a private school in BrazilAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MissElliKolovosFlinders UniversityAustralia308
Exploring Congruency in Wellbeing Literacy: Cross-National Evidence that Greater Alignment Between Wellbeing Priorities and Actions Benefits Mental Health.
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
A/ProfNaekoNaganumaAkita International UniversityJapan350
Well-being House: Creating a theme-based living learning community through positive psychology interventions, character strengths, yoga, and meditation at a small international liberal-arts college in Japan
Abstract Accepted as StorytellingSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MrsJulieMitrovicEmbodied GemJapan533"Embody Your Strengths"
Unlocking Character Strengths Through Mind-Body Awareness
Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsVidishaRaiRekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of HappinessIndia274"From Chuckles to Cheer": Exploring Humor styles, Belongingness and Psychological Well-being among Indian College Students.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MsPoulamiSenguptaIndian Institute Of Technology (IIT), KharagpurIndia271"My guilt is as old as my child" - Exploring the role of Self-forgiveness in managing Parental Guilt among Indian parents of young children Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MrMarioToledoTecmilenioMéxico508"Past, Present, and Future: How Time Perspective Influences Social Well-Being in Emerging Adults"Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MsDanielaFaleckiTeacher Wellbeing Pty LtdAustralia20"Shifting the narrative on educator stress - building our capacity to thrive"Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrLaurenMiller-LewisCQUniversity AustraliaAustralia625“Being remembered with love”: Perceptions of legacy and its use in discussions about the end of life. Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrsBiancaKislanskyThe Happiness SocietyBrazil4347 Principles for Building Positive Relationships to Enhance Well-BeingAbstract Accepted as PosterRelationships
ProfHelenaMarujoInstituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Centro de Administração e Politicas PublicasPortugal658A circumstantial positive psychology in a complex world: why and how positive psychology should contribute to positive peace and public happinessAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrVickiCabreraVicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate UniversityUnited States of America450A Constructive Critique & Conversation: Advancing Positive Psychology with Equity and JusticeAbstract Accepted as Round Table ProvocationGlobal Challenges
MsSarahBackhouseDeakin UniversityAustralia108A constructivist grounded theory of architects’ mental wellbeingAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseWorkplace
A/ProfAgnesLaiHong Kong Metropolitan UniversityHong Kong327A Digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based SMART Exercise Support Program to Improve Fatigue in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer - A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled TrialAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
DrLianaLianovGlobal Positive Health InstituteUnited States413A Group Program Based in Positive Psychology and Healthy Lifestyles for Women’s Health and WellbeingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsGabbySkelseyBayside PartnersAustralia310A Melbourne Psychotherapist attends a Psilocybin Retreat in the NetherlandsAbstract Accepted as StorytellingEducation
MsTammyCasselsonHolmesglenAustralia209A Mindfulness-Based Wellbeing Program Implemented For Improved Mental Health, Resilience & Performance In Vocational Education & Higher Education (The Nursing Department), AustraliaAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MrsKarolineOsbildFOM University of Applied SciencesGermany330A qualitative evaluation of a Success and Happiness Diary regarding the learning experiences of cancer patients in remission. Abstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MrDavidBerezSix4 Consultants, LLCUnited States653A Resilient Life: A Cop's Journey in Pursuit of PurposeAbstract Accepted as StorytellingLifespan
MrJonathanSkodaConcordia UniversityCanada532A Theoretical Presentation of Esoteric Tibetan Buddhist Meditation: Research Possibilities and Its Benefits for Positive Psychology and FlourishingAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Spirituality and Meaning
DrRuthAstonSchool of Education, University of AdelaideAustralia495A transdisciplinary approach to building an evaluation framework for youth wellbeing programs: a marriage of implementation science, economics and program evaluation Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MissAwatifAlsuwaidiDubai PoliceUnited Arab Emirates400A Well-being Revolution in Policing: The Evolution of Dubai Police Quality of Life CenterAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Workplace
DrDian Veronika SaktiKaloetiUniversitas DiponegoroIndonesia485Academic self-efficacy, depression, anxiety and stress symptom among first year undergraduate students: Resilience as mediatorAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MissKei KwanLaiDepartment of Psychology, Lingnan UniversityHong Kong155Academic Stress, Academic Exhaustion, the Growth Mindset of Intelligence, and Student Outcomes: A Moderated Mediation AnalysisAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MissKei KwanLaiDepartment of Psychology, Lingnan UniversityHong Kong156Acculturation Orientations, Social Contact, and Depression Symptoms among Ethnic Minorities in Hong KongAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrMatthewIasielloBe Well Co / University of AdelaideAustralia150Addressing the jingle-jangle problem in wellbeing science: The development of a taxonomy and item bank for positive mental health. Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrsMartaFonsecaIomAustria576Addressing Vicarious Trauma in Humanitarian Workers Through Primal BeliefsAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrImeldaCaleonNational Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore651Adopting a Holistic Approach to Assess Children’s Well-being Across Home, School, and BeyondAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrVickiCabreraVicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate UniversityUnited States of America452Advancing Social Justice in Positive Psychology: Challenges and Solutions in Scholarship and Professional PracticeAbstract Accepted as PosterGlobal Challenges
MrYen-HungChenNational Pingtung UniversityTaiwan232Adversities and Resilience in Collaborative School Counseling: A Pilot Study among Elementary School Counselors in TaiwanAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
DrChunyanMaiThe Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong443Age Differences in Perceptions of Online Health Information: A Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Survey in ChinaAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Digital Wellbeing
DrPhilipStreitIkjfAustria142Agency, Prospection, and Positive Psychology: Empowering Future-Oriented Well-BeingAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopCoaching
MrJunghyoParkBloom Company대한민국341AI Mental Wellness Coach: Innovating Digital Interventions for Enhanced WellbeingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
MsJayneCarruthersThe University Of NewcastleAustralia320An Expanded Conceptualisation of Psychological SafetyAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MissTaoZhangThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina364An internet-based acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety and depression in cancer patients: a pilot randomized controlled trialAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MsNickyCoustonAustralian Football LeagueAustralia148Application of wellbeing science for youth high performance athletes (Australian Rules Football) Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsSarahBackhouseDeakin UniversityAustralia104Applying a positive psychology perspective to office designAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
DrJennaMikusEudae Group, University Of Melbourne, QutAustralia642Applying Wellbeing Science to Precipitate Flourishing by Design Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEnvironment/Nature/Place
MrsKristinaSheaUniversity Of BolognaItaly389Appreciative Inquiry Coaching: A Mixed-Methods
approach for Positive Change in Coaching
Abstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
DrJacobBurmeisterUniversity of FindlayUnited States436Are meaningful hobbies inherently mindful? Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrLisaMillerAmerican Military UniversityUnited States of America677Are You Ready for It: Positive Psychology Changes for College Athletes in the United States
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsZhuoyaWangUniversity of California, BerkeleyUnited States629Art Shapes Those Sensitive: Influencing Empathy
By Sadness Depicted in Art and Viewer's Aesthetic Responsiveness
Abstract Accepted as PosterArts and Culture
MrMarioToledoTecmilenioMéxico455Art, Museums, and Flourishing: "Museums as Catalysts for Well-Being"Abstract Accepted as SymposiumArts and Culture
MsYuePanUniversity of MelbourneAustralia228Artificial-Intelligence-Assisted Systematic Review: A Proof-of-Concept StudyAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
ProfBernhardSchmitzInstitute of Psychology TU DarmstadtGermany240Art-of-living: A new integrative concept leading to effective interventions for enhancing well-beingAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrHannahMacdougallVictorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football ClubAustralia296Athlete Well-Being Management in Australian High-Performance SportAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
博士HUITZULINDepartment of Counseling, Clinical and Industrial /Organizational Psychology/Ming Chuan UniversityTaiwan638Avoidance May Be Easy, But Is It Healthy? Examining How Coping Strategies and Zhong-Yong Thinking Impact College Students' Mental Health in Interpersonal ConflictsAbstract Accepted as PosterRelationships
ProfPninitRusso-NetzerAchva academic collegeIsrael116Awakening to Synchronicity: A Journey through Nature’s WisdomAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopSpirituality and Meaning
MrSimonCoverdaleDja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal CorporationAustralia477Balak Kalik Manya (Walking Together) - Combining Indigenous wisdom and modern science to improve people's wellbeing and care for nature by connecting with CountryAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
MissMeeraal-MuallaDubai PoliceUnited Arab Emirates569Balancing Wellness and Duty: Mental Health Integration PolicingAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
ProfBrianHillBrigham Young UniversityUnited States of America279Basic Psychological Needs Support within the Family Environment and Eudaemonic Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MsSila AshleyWolfAssociation of Nature And Forest TherapyUnited States691Bathing in Brisbane’s Botanic Gardens: A Rejuvenating and Regenerative Positive Psychology Practice Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopEnvironment/Nature/Place
MsMoniqueTooheyCentre for Muslim WellbeingAustralia505Be Well: Using the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) model to foster wellbeing with Australian Muslim CommunitiesAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MissAnnaGlynnUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia506Beating the Bots - How being human is our competitive advantage Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
ProfYoshikoKatoKobe UniversityJapan190Behavioral and cognitive emotional regulation style and the relationship with mental health among Japanese mental health professionAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrKelly Ka LaiLamUniversity Of MacauMacao119Better Family Communication Facilitates Zest for Life via Authoritarian Filial Piety Belief in a Chinese ContextAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsAvaShahiUniversity Of PennsylvaniaUnited States of America183Between the Tides of East and West: Using Character Strengths to Navigate the Iranian-American ‘Hyphenated’ Identity and Address Intercultural Conflict
Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
ProfHelenaMarujoInstituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Centro de Administração e Politicas PublicasPortugal449Beyond an individual positive psychology: a critical perspective on community peace and character strengths Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MsTessavan der WilligenGeorgetown UniversityUnited States of America439Beyond hedonia and eudaimonia: Desire-based concepts of well-being and happiness for psychologyAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MissNishiSrivastavaCentral University of South Bihar, GayaIndia270Beyond Limits: Disability, Discrimination, and the Transformative Power of Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MrsSonyaLooneyGrow the Good Coaching and ConsultingCanada25Beyond Perfectionism: The Role of Social Contribution
and Purpose in Accomplishment
Abstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrsLeeShibataEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia158Beyond Skills Training: Fostering Wellbeing Through Caring Relationships in Academic Professional DevelopmentAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
DrTarliYoungUniversity of QueenslandAustralia593Beyond the Individual: How Social Identity Drives Thriving and Well-BeingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
DrTarliYoungUniversity of QueenslandAustralia614Beyond the Personal Self: How Expansive Identities that Include Nature and the Universe Shape Well-being and Moral ConcernAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrEvanBoseBangalore UniversityIndia623Bioharmonic Resonance Therapy: Using Ecosystem Soundscapes and Binaural Echoes to Treat Anxiety and Enhance Emotional ResilienceAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MsSoniaDi MauloHarvest PerformanceCanada393Brave Apple’s Leap: Navigating Change and Renewal through Courage and Connection in LeadershipAbstract Accepted as PosterEnvironment/Nature/Place
MrAndrewSorenEudaimonic By DesignCanada415Bridging Diverse Identities in the Pursuit of Inclusive Meaningful WorkAbstract Accepted as SymposiumWorkplace
MissThi Thuy TrangTruongUniversity of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Hochiminh CityViet Nam35Bridging Educational Disparities in East Asia and the Pacific: A Systematic Literature Review, Development of A Context Adaptive Growth Mindset Board-Game for Low Socioeconomic AdolescentsAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
ProfSimonCoulombeUniversité LavalCanada426Bridging Self-Care and Positive Psychology: Insights and Innovations for a Healthy Lifestyle and Enhanced WellbeingAbstract Accepted as SymposiumHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrDeniseQuinlanIWRNew Zealand339Bridging the Divide: Building Empathy through Listening
Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrSarahFeferUniversity Of Massachusetts AmherstUnited States676Bringing Positive Psychology to Public Schools: Implementation Data and Lessons Learned from Small-Group Intervention Delivery in Middle Schools Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrHannahMacdougallVictorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football ClubAustralia224Building an Inclusive Culture: A Story of Well-being, Accessibility, and Values in AFLAbstract Accepted as StorytellingWorkplace
DrVeronicaFruihtDominican University Of CaliforniaUnited States of America98Building Blocks for a Happy Life:
Longitudinal Associations Between Early Life Income, Mentorship and Later Well-Being
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MrDanHardieMyStrengths AustraliaAustralia502Building Strengths from the Ground Up:
Promoting Self-Esteem and Flourishing Among Regional Australian Youth
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrJenniferFletcherThe University Of SydneyAustralia473Building students' career decision-making self-efficacy: Integrating employability in innovative curriculum to Design Your FutureAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrTan-chyuanChinThe University Of MelbourneAustralia639Building wellbeing capability in learning communities: Insights for renewed actionAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEducation
DrMikeConwayXVentureAustralia462Can an elite sports mindset program be used in business to improve individual performance? Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopWorkplace
DrMargaretLambertDr Margaret Lambert, PsychologistAustralia493Can Emotional Freedom Techniques, or Tapping, help to increase student resilience?Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEducation
DrChi-WenLiangChung Yuan Christian UniversityTaiwan578Can working memory load facilitate benign interpretation in social anxiety?Abstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MsLindaRowleyLinda Rowley ConsultingAustralia175Carer Camino: A Novel Intervention for Walking into Wellbeing.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
A/ProfAyaFutamuraKinjo Gakuin UniversityJapan24Causal Relationship Between Self-Efficacy, Game Types, and Game-Mediated CommunicationAbstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
MissOyedolapoOyedolaInstitute Of Advanced Medical And Research TrainingNigeria649Challenges and Initial Outcomes of Positive Education Implementation in African Public Schools: An Exploratory Study in NigeriaAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MissSueLangleyLangley GroupAustralia409Changing Lives with Positive Psychology: the impact of the science on real lives!Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
DrJia-Qi MelodyXuThe University Of Hong KongHong Kong196Character Strength Embedded Physical Education Lessons for Students with Physical Disabilities: A Pilot StudyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
ProfNarelleLemonEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia302Character Strengths in Action: Novel Applications for Diverse Populations and SettingsAbstract Accepted as SymposiumSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrNurIslamiahIPB UniversityId615Children Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies: The Role of Maternal Psychopathology, Metacognitions, and Parenting Practices Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MissKathrynBerminghamDubbo College Delroy CampusAustralia298CIRCLE YOUR WAY TO RENEWAL: your classrooms, your staff meetings, your line management and your ultimate WELLBEING, using CIRCLE SOLUTIONS. Let's do some CIRCLE WORK.Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEducation
DrMarkHopperBlackburn CollegeUnited States of America472Circling Back: Finding Meaning in Life’s LoopsAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSpirituality and Meaning
MrsClaudiaOwadGrowth Coaching InternationalAustralia76Coaching as a wellbeing amplifierAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
MsKarliePayneIvanhoe Girls GrammarAustralia619Co-creating a Positive Education Wellbeing Framework through Community Collaboration and Change ManagementAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MsReemAl-MansooriUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia345Co-designing Prostheses with Traumatic Amputee Children to Enhance their Body-image Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
ProfManamiOzakiSagami women's UniversityJapan328Collective Positive Illusion (CPI), Interdependent Happiness, and Spiritual Health during the Covid-19 PandemicAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrsMayumiHamadaUniversity of Marketing and Distribution Sciences日本605College English Education for Happiness in JapanAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsGlendaChiChi Consulting ServicesAustralia82Community Wellbeing: Home Away from HomeAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MsLaura ElvieSmithUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia208Conceptualising Teacher Readiness to Support Student Wellbeing: A Scoping ReviewAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
MrNicholasFalkeFOM University of Applied SciencesGermany509Conceptualization and evaluation of a positive-psychological intervention for trainees to promote learning techniques and positive self-management.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MsJohanna MariaBrückFOM University Of Applied SciencesGermany396Conceptualization and evaluation of an intervention to promote emotional intelligence and stress coping among social media users - a quantitative studyAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MrTroyNorrisWellBalance InstituteUnited States of America32Contributors to Positive Wellbeing Across Life Situations, Generations and GendersAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrJerinV PhiliposeBirla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani, Pilani CampusIndia7Core Self-Evaluations as a Mediator for Mindfulness and Flourishing: Evidence from Christians in Kerala, IndiaAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
A/ProfNaekoNaganumaAkita International UniversityJapan634Creating "community" as an on-campus residence through positive psychology interventions at a small international liberal-arts college in Japan: Well-being HouseAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsJessicaTaylorUniversity of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing ScienceAustralia610Creating Thriving School Ecosystems: Applying Thriveability Theory through the ThriveWell Model Abstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MissMarieClergeauULBBelgium42Cross-cultural exploration of social sharing of emotions among traumatized people : the case of Ukrainian refugees and Belgian victims of the 2016 attacksAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MsJessicaTaylorUniversity of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing ScienceAustralia591Cultivating Regenerative Systems of Wellbeing: Reimagining Organisational PracticesAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopWorkplace
MsSabrinaMckenzieUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia182Cultivating Self-Compassion through Music ListeningAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseArts and Culture
DrJessicaVersfeldThe University Of Pretoria, South AfricaSouth Africa40Cultivating Social Connectedness Through an Expressive Arts-Based Intervention for Primary School Teachers in the Global South

Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrAnnaBoltenkoRE.SET Coaching And MentoringCanada165Cultivating Wellbeing and Personal Growth Through Game-Based CoachingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Coaching
DrHanchaoHouUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia311Cultivating Wellbeing Literacy for Public Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Short Video-Based InterventionAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
DrHenry C. Y.HoThe Education University Of Hong KongHong Kong192Daily Workplace Mistreatments and Well-Being: The Wellbeing-Amplifying and Stress-Buffering Effects of MindfulnessAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MsMelindaPhillipsCompassionate SchoolsAustralia429Decentering (mindfulness and self compassion) and social connection: Australian research sharing findings of protective factors for school staff following critical incidents.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrRhondaSwickertCollege of CharlestonUnited States88Decentering Meditation Reduces Stress and Enhances Confidence Following an Academic FailureAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MsKirsiSoulamoSouth-Eastern Finland University Of Applied Sciences - XamkFinland171Designing interventions for cultivating courageAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
MsSofie Jia YingTeohJames Cook University SingaporeSingapore87Developing An Ecological-Systems Perspective Of Wellbeing In Autistic AdultsAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
ProfWhiteMathewThe University of AdelaideAustralia321Developing guidelines for renewal of program design, practice, and research toward a positive and wellbeing education practiceAbstract Accepted as SymposiumEducation
ProfKazuhisaMiwaNagoya UniversityJapan244Development and Evaluation of a Companion Chatbot to Facilitate Self-Disclosure in Everyday CommunicationAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
MrHidenoriYaoeclect Inc.Japan234Development and Evaluation of a Corporate Well-being Program through Holistic Approach: A Mixed Methods research with an Exploratory Sequential and Convergent DesignAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
ProfToshiyukiYasuiEikei University Of HiroshimaJapan107Development and prototype validation of a natural language processing artificial intelligence engine for subjective well-being inference and emotion analysis using LLM and ABSA Abstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
MissUmmulFatimaAIIIMSIndia404Development and validation of guided self-help intervention to cultivate positive emotions for young adults. Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MSYogaTokuyoshiCoaching Psychology CenterJapan30Development and validation of the Japanese version of the Organizational Mattering Scale (OMS-J)Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MSYogaTokuyoshiCoaching Psychology CenterJapan13Development and validation of the PRISM Scale for TomorrowmindAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrClare ElizabethCannonUniversidad Rey Juan Carlos, MadridSpain103Dialogue that Transforms: Science-Backed Tools for Renewing RelationshipsAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopArts and Culture
MrRémiParé-BeaucheminUniversity of SherbrookeCanada291Discovering My True Self: A Journey of Transformation, Resilience, and Growth, Mirroring Scientific KnowledgeAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSpirituality and Meaning
ProfDianneVella-BrodrickThe University of MelbourneAustralia689Do School-Based Wellbeing Programs Have Lasting Effects? A Systematic Review.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrIndraniMukherjeeMedimindAustralia133Does employee wellbeing influence nurses and allied health professionals to walk the extra mile at work?Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MsBlendaBatista de OliveiraUniversity NOVA of LisbonPortugal606Educator Purpose CanvasAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrEtsuyoNishigakiKansai Medical UniversityJapan181Effect of a Positive Intervention Program for College Students on Resilience and PERMAAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MissPUNYASREEMPIndian Institute Of Technology, BhilaiIndia551Effect of Online Hope Intervention on PhD scholarsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Coaching
ProfChristianVan NieuwerburghRCSI University of Medicine And Health SciencesIreland342Effective Reflective Practice: Integrating Positive Intention and Wellbeing into Professional DevelopmentAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MsYiwenWuThe Chinese University Of Hong KongHong Kong200Effectiveness and Mechanisms of an Online Positive Psychology Course: A Mixed-Methods Study of Sustained Well-Being Enhancement among Hong Kong College Students Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
MissWan-JungChienNational Taiwan Normal UnversityTaiwan117Effectiveness of executive function and creativity action learning courses in changing behavior and brain connectivityAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MissTaoZhangThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina361Effects of digital psychological interventions on physical symptoms in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysisAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MrsNorikoNakanoNTT DATA Japan CorporationJapan510Effects of Positive Psychology Interventions on Employee Work Engagement: A Practical Case in a Major Japanese CompanyAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
A/ProfHirokiUrataniMusashino University日本524Effects of the Well-Being Dialogue Card Facilitator Course on improving well-beingAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrLaurenMiller-LewisCQUniversity AustraliaAustralia553Elevating Well-being in Aged-Care Homes: A Systematic Review of Positive Psychology Interventions for Enhancing Well-being and Quality-of-Life in Aged-Care Residents.Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Lifespan
MrsLayaCommendainspirio e.U.Österreich566Embracing Life’s Contrasts at 50: A Global Journey from Happiness to Inner Peace and MeaningAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSpirituality and Meaning
MrAmrutBangSEARCHIndia631Emotional World of Indian Emerging AdultsAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsSoniaDi MauloHarvest PerformanceCanada392Empowering Adolescents in Mexico with Purpose: Positive Psychology in ActionAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrMartinWammerlIkjfAustria143Empowering Education: Boosting Self-Efficacy and Flourishing through PERMA.teachAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrReneeLockwoodUniversity Of SydneyAustralia316Enhancing Motivation and Goal Setting for HDR StudentsAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrYorikoMatsudaJ. F. Oberlin UniversityJapan357Enhancing Workplace Wellbeing: Validating Meeting Effectiveness and Meeting Relevance Scales in Japanese OrganizationsAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MsVictoriaHumbleBodhilead@mytHong Kong466ENLIGHTENMENT LEADERSHIP
Awakening the Enlightened Leader in You for Lasting Global Impact
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrsSOLATZAIDIMind Body Soul SisterZUnited States262Establishing Practice Standards in Positive Psychology: A Preliminary Framework for IPPA Based on ISO 9001:2015 PrinciplesAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrSueDer KinderenS. der Kinderen & affiliated with Vrije University AmsterdamNetherlands348Eudaimonic Behavior as a Route to Well-being and Performance at WorkAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MsApostolinaMichaelidouYouth Coaching Lab Single Member P.CGreece683Evaluating a pilot coaching programme for high school students in Greece: An experimental randomized control trial measuring wellbeing and mental healthAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrRatih ArruumListiyandiniYARSI University & UNSW SydneyIndonesia648Evaluating Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes of a Guided Culturally Adapted Internet-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Indonesian University Students: A Wait-List Randomized Controlled TrialAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MissShelbyGreensladeUniversity Of Western AustraliaAustralia177Evaluating the Mediator of the Positive Emotions Program for Schizophrenia (PEPS): A Study ProtocolAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseClinical
MsJosefineBuschFOM University Of Applied ScienceGermany397Evaluation of a positive-psychological intervention to improve mental strength and vitality of employees - a quantitative studyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrVickiCabreraVicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate UniversityUnited States of America447Evaluation Workshop 1 - Renewing Impact: Introductory Evaluation Tools for Positive Psychology InterventionsAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrVickiCabreraVicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate UniversityUnited States of America448Evaluation Workshop 2 - Advancing Renewal: Culturally Responsive and Systems-Based Evaluation for Positive Psychology InterventionsAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrRémiParé-BeaucheminUniversity of SherbrookeCanada286Ever felt unable to be who you truly are? You’re not alone. Here are some obstacles to being truly yourself according to a scoping reviewAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MsEveLooPositive PrimroseSingapore37Eve's Authentic Human Connection with Her Passion and Whole-Hearted Love for Bhutan and Positive Psychology CoachingAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
MsEveLooPositive PrimroseSingapore519Eve's playful pathways beyond the mountains
Abstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
A/ProfSeanO'connorUniversity Of SydneyAustralia483Evidence Based Coaching Approaches for Applied Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
MsNatashaMercerWenona SchoolAustralia528Evidence-based Student Peer Coaching: A Dual Approach to Supporting Wellbeing and Achievement.Abstract Accepted as DemonstrationEducation
DrKATSUMIMERAThe Graduate School Of Management, Globis UniversityJapan299Examining the Relationship between English Proficiency Development and Subjective Well-being Among Working Adults in JapanAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MsKaitlinMitchellRutgers UniversityUnited States of America170Examining the Relationship between Self-Defining Activities, Flow State, and Identity Development among Individuals with Serious Mental IllnessAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrAnandaKrishnanIndian Institute Of Technology HyderabadIndia513Experiences of Navigating Mental Health Problems in IndiaAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
DrEugene YjTeeDepartment Of Psychology, Help UniversityMalaysia43Experiencing Ikigai as the Psychologically Rich Life: An Exploratory Study of Valued Experiences across Three CountriesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MrDaichiSugawaraUniversity of TsukubaJapan304Exploration of culturally specific Japanese strengths and virtues: Textual analysis of school, student, and teacher ideals in elementary and secondary schoolsAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MissYui KiLamHong Kong Buddhist AssociationHong Kong374Explore the relationships between parents’ wellbeing literacy, their subjective wellbeing, and parentingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MsLauraBetancortBookingSpain377Exploring Emotional Granularity through the Cross-Cultural Lexicon of Well-Being: Navigating Appreciation of Imperfection and Resilience through Wabi-Sabi and Poetry Writing in the Canary IslandsAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MissYiYANGYishi Consulting LtdUnited Kingdom129Exploring Strengths-based Coaching Impact Chinese Managers and Entrepreneurs’ Cognitive Development and Meaning in life Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Coaching
MrsLucia JohannaKuhnGerman Society of Positive Psychology | Technical University of DortmundGermany583Exploring the Effects of the German Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice Program on Well-being: a Longitudinal, Quasi-experimental StudyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrJia-Qi MelodyXuThe University Of Hong KongHong Kong199Exploring the Impact of Online Mindfulness Training on Wellbeing Literacy: A Mixed Methods ApproachAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrStephanie FuYangNational Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan662Exploring the Interplay of Internet Use and Psychological Wellbeing in Older Adults at Active Learning Centers in TaiwanAbstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
DrLaurenMiller-LewisCQUniversity AustraliaAustralia621Exploring the relationship between adversity, spirituality and resilience in Australian undergraduate allied health university students.Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
准教授YuUrataThe University Of OsakaJapan359Exploring the relationship between character strengths and well-beingAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrVeraLudwigUniversity of PennsylvaniaUnited States659Exploring the Role of Sexuality in Positive Psychology: What is Sexual Well-Being?Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopRelationships
MrMohammadAloufiThe University Of AdelaideAustralia151Exploring the Wellbeing of Nursing Students in Saudi Arabia: A Multimethod StudyAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MissHanMengEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia463Factors and strategies that support teachers delivering music in Australian primary schools using the PERMAH modelAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
A/ProfMinyoungLeeSoonchunhyang UniversitySouth Korea61Failure Tolerance and Constructive Social Comparison for Psychological Well-beingAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrsShereenMetryQueensland University Of TechnologyAustralia640Faith in God as a protective factor against mental illness among university students within Australia.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrDavidMezinecTenison Woods College and UniSAAustralia398Fanning the flame within – harnessing develecology and positive education in schools for appreciative transformative systemic cultural change.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrAllisonKiefner BurmeisterThe University Of FindlayUnited States of America172Farmers’ Markets as an Avenue Toward Positive Child Psychological Relationships with Healthy FoodsAbstract Accepted as PosterLifespan
DrYi-ChenLeeChung Yuan Christian UniversityTaiwan554Finding Meaning in the Mundane: The Role of Positive Emotions in Shaping Our Perception of MeaningAbstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
MrTroyNorrisWellBalance InstituteUnited States of America34Finding My Way to Resilient Wellbeing: How I Finally Became Well and Stayed WellAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrJacquiFrancisThe Centre for Wellbeing Science, The University of MelbourneAustralia550First Nations Wellbeing Literacy Pilot Program Effectiveness
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
DrShikhaSoniDocvita And MindhouseIndia294Flourishing After Loss: A Positive Psychology Exploration Among Indian Adults Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
DrIaninaScheuchTU DresdenGermany579Flourishing in Education: Designing a coaching psychology programme to promote wellbeing and resilience among undergraduate students in UK & GermanyAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
MrsLeeShibataEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia157Fostering Teacher Wellbeing and Kindness to Promote Community Flourishing in EducationAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsLisaBakerFaculty of Education, The University Of MelbourneAustralia480Framing early wellbeing pedagogy and practice – an early education framework adapted from the wellbeing literacy capability modelAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
ProfPninitRusso-NetzerAchva academic collegeIsrael159From Coincidence to Meaning: A Multidimensional Exploration of Synchronicity Awareness, Meaning and Well-BeingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrsPatriciaFribergPatricia Friberg CoachingUnited States313From Creative Expression to Corporate Connection:

Exploring Arts-Based Interventions for Leadership and Team Flourishing
Abstract Accepted as PosterArts and Culture
MrsMartaFonsecaIomAustria543From Despair to Resilience: A Syrian Humanitarian Worker’s Journey of Post-Traumatic GrowthAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
A/ProfDominikaWilczyńskaUniversity WSB Merito, GdanskPolska266From Inspiration to Victory: How the i7W Model Shapes the Psychological Well-Being of Young AthletesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrPhilipStreitIkjfAustria140From Resistance to Resilience: New Authority and Positive Psychology for Future-Focused LeadershipAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
DrLanYangThe Education University Of Hong KongChina682From teacher feedback to students’ engagement with feedback: Assessing the mediating role of students’ academic self-conceptAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrYusukeArimaKyushu University日本573Fundamental Relationship between Sustainability Factors and Home-Related Subjective Well-BeingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
MrsPaulineMelnykMelnyk Consultancy LtdCanada27Future-Proofing Organizational Change: Integrating Coaching, Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Multi-SDG StrategiesAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
DrHannahMacdougallVictorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football ClubAustralia57Going out on a limb: Well-being, Resilience, and Non-Selection for 2024 Paris Paralympic GamesAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrGrace YuyingSunHong Kong Metropolitan UniversityHong Kong236Group-based nonviolent communication interventions for reducing parenting stress: a pilot randomised controlled trialAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
DrJanaKociGanesha University of EducationIndonesia204Happiness in Indonesian University Students: Validation of the Student Well-being Scale Considering Cultural Differences and Insights into Student Well-beingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrMaggieZhaoUniversity Of Hong KongHong Kong353Harmony reconceptualized: A new framework and validated measurement scalesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MsBeaBinczeTreeB Consulting Kft.Hungary257Harnessing Humor and Flow for Renewal in Leadership and CoachingAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopCoaching
MsKiiraSarasjärviUniversity of HelsinkiAustralia186Harnessing mental well-being in clinical researchAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MsHeidiBaxterTe Whatu OraNew Zealand147Harnessing positive psychology in diabetesAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrTarliYoungUniversity of QueenslandAustralia647Harnessing the Power of Social Connections for Well-being: The Social Cure in ActionAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopClinical
MrVictorPertonThe Centre For OptimismAustralia124Helping CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government) to Restore Hope and Optimism in our Common Future.Abstract Accepted as Round Table ProvocationSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
A/ProfDominikaWilczyńskaUniversity WSB Merito, GdanskPolska430HIITing Prenatal and Postpartum Depression: Insights from a Comprehensive RCT AnalysisAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MissCorinaZhaoTeachers College, Columbia UniversityUnited States of America90Hope that Heals: Longitudinal Impact of Hopefulness on Depression, Cognitive Function, and Well-Being in Chronic Disease PopulationsAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrGizemARIKANOzyegin UniversityTurkey334How do mindfulness and coping strategies predict young adults’ social media addiction?Abstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
MrJoséKislanskyCazuloBrasil424How to Create and Deliver Your Happiness Workshop Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MrRémiParé-BeaucheminUniversity of SherbrookeCanada289How to encourage adolescents to seek help from adults at school for their mental health problems? A qualitative inquiryAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseClinical
ProfToshiyukiYasuiEikei University Of HiroshimaJapan110Identifying key factors which pro-environment behaviors correlate subjective well-being of residents by exploratory factor and Markovian modeling analysis: empirical and comparative research in regenerative city Abstract Accepted as PosterEnvironment/Nature/Place
MsJayneCarruthersThe University Of NewcastleAustralia319Identifying the Presence of Psychological Safety in Doctoral Learning and DevelopmentAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrWeilunYuenNational University Of SingaporeSingapore626Impact of Social-Focused and Person-Focused Values on Subjective WellbeingAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrMartinHarasekTorrens University AustraliaAustralia10Impact of Web Conferencing Technology Adoptions on the Australian Project Manager’s Workplace Emotional Experience.Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Workplace
MrFlorencio JrKabigtingClaremont Graduate UniversityPhilippines66Improving Employee Creativity Using Paradoxical Strengths Regulation (PSR): A Mediated Path Analysis Among Personality Traits, Paradox Mindset, and CreativityAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
ProfToruShiotaniKanazawa Institute Of TechnologyJapan349Improving University Students’ Wellbeing Through a Required Course for First-year Students (1)Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrKeiMatsumotoKanazawa Institute Of TechnologyJapan461Improving University Students’ Wellbeing Through a Required Course for First-year Students (2)Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrChetnaJaiswalCentral University Of South BiharIndia585In pursuit of life satisfaction, exploring the role of environmental sustainability, Resilience and ethnicity among Mukkuvar: a fishing community of MalabarAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
MrKrishna SinghBhandariIndian Institute Of Technology JodhpurIndia378In the Mood for Work? Understanding the Moderating Role of Wise Emotional Regulation in Mitigating Mood Contagion Effects on Employee Workplace Attitudes and BehaviorAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MrArmanMarwingCentral Queensland UniversityAustralia600Indonesian Muslim Sufis' Perspectives on Well-beingAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Spirituality and Meaning
MsMonikaOwczarekgood gut betterGermany247Innovating better lives: How disruptive products shape our world and how Positive Psychology can help innovate better solutionsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Global Challenges
DrIvanRaymondLife Buoyancy Institute FoundationAustralia516Intentionally building wellbeing-responsive communities: Embedding wellbeing science as a 'way of thinking and being' across a school, organisation or region Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MissTanikaSgherzaUniversity Of Western AustraliaAustralia79Internalising symptoms and wellbeing: Meta-analysis of the potential protective role of psychological strengths and interpersonal resourcesAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseClinical
DrJacoMeyerNorth-West UniversitySouth Africa153Interventions to promote the well-being of music teachersAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsLisaBakerFaculty of Education, The University Of MelbourneAustralia459Introducing ‘WellMet’ - a Wellbeing Literacy Vignette Method for analysing wellbeing language interactions in your contextAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEducation
ProfBernhardSchmitzInstitute of Psychology TU DarmstadtGermany241Is there a synergetic relationship between eudaimonia and hedonia
An intervention study to test the superiority of the combination of hedonia and eudaimonia
Abstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MslintingZHANGThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina360It Feels Good to Cook for Others: Examining the Relationship between Prosocial Cooking and Well-beingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MrRobertBakerTailored ThinkingUnited Kingdom595Job Crafting Masterclass - Empowering Individual, Team and Organisational Renewal through Personalised Work Design
Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopWorkplace
ProfMasayaKobayashiChiba University日本435Justice in Positive Political Psychology: Virtue and Character Strengths in JapanAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MsBlendaBatista de OliveiraUniversity NOVA of LisbonPortugal609Leader Purpose Canvas
Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
DrNurlailaEffendyIndonesian Positive Psychology OrganizationIndonesia559Leader’s Performance With Balanced Score Card
Through Psychological Capital, Competency, Social support, Climate, and Engagement
Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
A/ProfStephenBowlesNDU USUUnited States627Leaders Well-Being in Government and Military SectorsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MrAndrewSorenEudaimonic By DesignCanada416Leadership as Catalyst for Meaningful Work in a Changing WorldAbstract Accepted as SymposiumWorkplace
DrVivienFornerInstitute of Management Psychology & University Of SydneyAustralia226Leadership Development Utilizing Self-Determination TheoryAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MrDavidMezinecTenison Woods College and UniSAAustralia395Leading for sustained wellbeing in school communities: insights from a mixed method multiple case study exploring positive education implementation in Australia.Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEducation
MsShaNacinoGratitude Connect OPCPhilippines258Leading with CARE™: Bridging the Workplace Disconnection Gap
Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
Ms.LeonaBrandweneUniversity of PennsylvaniaUnited States of America675Learn by Giving: Fusing Project-Based and Service Learning Methods in Positive Psychology EducationAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrIaninaScheuchTU DresdenGermany592LEGO® Serious Play®: A play-oriented approach for positive psychology, resilience and wellbeingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
ProfClaude-HélèneMayerUniversity Of JohannesburgSouth Africa72Lessons learned from Frithjof Bergmann and salutogenesis in the digital age: A positive, psychobiographical perspectiveAbstract Accepted as PosterLifespan
MsBeaBinczeTreeB Consulting Kft.Hungary261Leverage and develop humor in positive psychology practiceAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Coaching
ProfMasatoKawabataRikkyo UniversityJapan337Lifestyle behaviors associated with learning motivation in Japanese primary school studentsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrMichelleAndrews LukeUniversity of MelbourneAustralia152Listening to Students: The Co-Creation of Positive Humanity for Whole-School WellbeingAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrMarkBartonBought In For The Win LlcUnited States394LIVING ON PURPOSE
A positive psychology-based program to help you fulfill your purpose and create a happy, successful life.
Abstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrAndrewSorenEudaimonic By DesignCanada406Look Good, Feel Good, Live Good: Personal Style as a Conduit to Well-being.Abstract Accepted as PosterArts and Culture
DrMichaelCamireHusson UniversityUnited States of America12Making gains on the hedonic treadmill: considerations for Weber and Fechner's laws Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrIvanRaymondLife Buoyancy Institute FoundationAustralia561Making positive education stick: How to develop a wellbeing framework contextualised to my school community Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrMarkHopperBlackburn CollegeUnited States of America457MAPS--The Motivated Alignment of Personal Strengths to Academic, Career, and Personal Projects. Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrLauraDewitteKU LeuvenBelgium410Meaning in life across the adult lifespan: Age differences in levels and correlates of purpose, significance, and coherence in a broad US sampleAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
MrVineshSukumaranVinesh Sukumaran ConsultingIndia645Meditation As An Intervention – Learn And Teach The Wisdom Of The Ages To Improve LivesAbstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
MsSaraBeattieSara Beattie CoachingUnited Arab Emirates525Menopause: The Age of RenewalAbstract Accepted as StorytellingLifespan
FrauDjellëzaSadrijaFom University of Applied Sciences & ThyssenkruppGermany29Microsoft Copilot in everyday work
A quantitative evaluation with regard to the psychological empowerment, self-efficacy and flow experience of employees
Abstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
MrNathanielJohnsonSimon Fraser UniversityCanada169Mindfulness and Mental Health Across the Lifespan Abstract Accepted as PosterLifespan
MrMasayaOkamotoTecmilenio UniversityMexico500Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) for Teachers and Students: Seven Years of Large-Scale Interventions in Education SettingsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrJuan HumbertoYoungMBSATSwitzerland388Minding as radically new, scientifically validated approach to mindful positve living and managing organizations positively and responsibly Abstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrJuan HumbertoYoungMBSATSwitzerland382Minding as Tool for Sustainable Individual and Collective Well-being and Meaningful Systemic ChangeAbstract Accepted as PosterGlobal Challenges
DrJuan HumbertoYoungMBSATSwitzerland387Minding Recognition and Generative Models for Flourishing in Professional and Private Life:
An integrative Approach Based on Computational Neuroscience
Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MslintingZHANGThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina368More grateful today, less depressive tomorrow: The day-to-day association between gratitude and depressed moodAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrKameronNelsonMontana State University BillingsUnited States214More Than Just a Game: Exploring the Interplay of Life Satisfaction and Athletic Success in College AthletesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrDeborahKoderSwinburne University of TechnologyAustralia63Moving beyond the disease: Flourishing and mature happiness in Parkinson’s. Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
ProfMasayaKobayashiChiba University日本570Multi-Dimensional Dynamics of Psychosomatic
Health Disparities under the COVID-19 in Japan: Fairness/Justice in Socio-economic and Ethico-political Factors
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrHyun-JuKimCha Bundang Medical CenterSouth Korea50Multimodal Neural Correlates of Dispositional Resilience Among Healthy IndividualsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
DrJasonGoopyEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia641Musical flourishing: Supporting student and teacher wellbeing in Australian school music educationAbstract Accepted as PosterArts and Culture
MrsAlexandraHarperWestern Sydney UniversityAustralia45Nature Play: Reinvigorating the Early Years of School to Foster Children's Wellbeing and Academic FlourishingAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
MrsPatriciaFribergPatricia Friberg CoachingUnited States275Navigating Transitions with Resilience:
The SoCal Sojourner’s Guide to Creating a Home
Abstract Accepted as StorytellingSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MrsSarahWellanCharité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, GermanyGermany558Neural correlates of meaning in life in resting-state fMRI.Abstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
MrEvanBoseBangalore UniversityIndia628Neuro-Coaching for Metacognitive Evolution: Implementing Brain-Based Coaching to Promote Self-Directed Cognitive Growth in TherapyAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Clinical
MsKaseyLloydKasey Lloyd: Psychologist + CoachAustralia584Neurodivergent FlourishingAbstract Accepted as SymposiumOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrRebRebeleMelbourne Business SchoolAustralia458Nobody Wants to Be Just One Kind of Person: Personality Dynamics and Their Implications for Positive Psychology Research and PracticeAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MsJiaqingShiATC Wellbeing Center中国336Nourishing Resilience in China's Silicon Valley: when positive psychology meets 2023 Asian Olympic GamesAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MissJennifer LindaDorlingBond UniversityAustralia21Novel Psychological Instrument for Measuring Mental Toughness and Implications for PsyCapAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MsMarnieThomasNewcastle Grammar SchoolAustralia109Oh, the Places You’ll Go: Postcards from Positive EducationAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrBryant Pui HungHuiHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina575Online Prosocial Behavior Scale: Exploration and Validation of Factor Structure Among Ordinary PeopleAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
MsAbbyBlylerUniversity Of PennsylvaniaUnited States376Optimism as a Predictor of Electoral Victory: Changes in Candidate Explanatory Style During the 2024 Presidential CampaignAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MissMeeraal-MuallaDubai PoliceUnited Arab Emirates568Optimizing Sleep Quality for Police Officers: Addressing Challenges in a Demanding ProfessionAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MsJenniferCheavensThe Ohio State UniversityUnited States of America421Optimizing Prosocial Interventions Across Diverse Populations: The Moderators and Mechanisms that Affect Well-Being  Abstract Accepted as SymposiumClinical
MrStevenHoskinsonOrganic IntelligenceUnited States476Organic Intelligence Clinical Demonstration: How Biology Self-Organizes in an Everyday ConversationAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MrStevenHoskinsonOrganic IntelligenceUnited States471Organic Intelligence: A Longstanding and Wholehearted Positive Psychology Clinical MethodologyAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MrStevenHoskinsonOrganic IntelligenceUnited States469Organic Intelligence®: Growing Bandwidth, Reducing Harm--An Established Positive Psychology Clinical Methodology for Therapists and CoachesAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
DrMarc-AntoineGradito DubordUniversité De MontréalCanada201Overcoming Feedback Challenges for Managers Through Self-Determination Theory: A Digital Intervention Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
MrRobertBakerTailored ThinkingUnited Kingdom604Overcoming Technostress & Unlocking the Human Potential of AI through People-Centric Job Design
Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopDigital Wellbeing
MrsSushmitaSharmaIndian Institute Of Technology, GuwahatiIndia488Parenting a child with Developmental Disability in India: The mediating role of Commitment to Parental Identity in Basic Psychological Needs, Life Satisfaction and Post-traumatic GrowthAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MsCatrionaCampbellRCSI University Of Medicine And Health SciencesIreland344Partnering with the UPenn Resilience Program: Transforming an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrSarahSchnitkerBaylor UniversityUnited States of America366Patience in Adversity: New Research on an Old VirtueAbstract Accepted as SymposiumLifespan
MrsRozRimesLive with ZestAustralia246Paws for Well-being: The benefits of canine-human interaction for our physical and mental healthAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrVirginiaCorriganUniversity Of Tennessee College Of Veterinary MedicineUnited States of America259Pawsitive Psychology: Exploring the Human-Animal Bond as a Pathway to Enhanced WellbeingAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsCatherineMacLaurinConservatorium Of Music High School, Nsw Department Of Education And TrainingAustralia442Peak Performance, Positive Psychology and Virtual RealityAbstract Accepted as StorytellingDigital Wellbeing
ProfBettina S.WieseRwth Aachen UniversityDeutschland205Perceived maternal encouragement and subjective well-being of the father: A multi-wave longitudinal studyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MsJenniferCheavensThe Ohio State UniversityUnited States of America278Perceptions of Kind, Nice, and Caring: How Different Age Groups View Prosocial BehaviorsAbstract Accepted as PosterLifespan
DrVickiCabreraVicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate UniversityUnited States of America482PERMA and PERMA+4 Empirical Findings Across the WorldAbstract Accepted as SymposiumWorkplace
DrClaireTREADGOLDStarlight Children's FoundationAustralia100PERMA and the Planet Starlight program: Applying positive psychology in a virtual space for hospitalised childrenAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
DrMartinWammerlIkjfAustria139PERMA.kids: A New Tool for Assessing and Fostering Well-Being in Children and AdolescentsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MrFlorencio JrKabigtingClaremont Graduate UniversityPhilippines68PERMA+4 Well-being and Work Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Japan: A Positive Human Resource Management ApproachAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MrAlexanderMackenzieWinston Churchill SocietyUnited Kingdom56Personal ResolveAbstract Accepted as PosterArts and Culture
MrAndrewNapierCentre for Wellbeing Science, The University Of MelbourneAustralia64Pilot testing an online, multi-dimensional meaning in life intervention for emerging adults: A mixed-methods studyAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Spirituality and Meaning
MsJenniferMartowUniversity Of GuelphCanada433Pioneering paths to positive mental health: An in-depth scoping review of comprehensive positive psychology interventions for youth. Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
DrJanaKociGanesha University of EducationIndonesia203Positive (Tech)education: Building Well-Being of University Students Using PERMA and Artificial IntelligenceAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
ProfKohkiArimitsuKwansei Gakuin University日本521Positive affect training for patients with PTSD : A web-based randomized controlled trial.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MsYuePanUniversity of MelbourneAustralia212Positive Ageing: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review Exploring the Wellbeing of Chinese Older AdultsAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MsLisaBuksbaumSoaringwordsUnited States of America273Positive Aging: Soaringwords’ Wellbeing Initiative for Seniors in Long-Term Care FacilitiesAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
ProfClaude-HélèneMayerUniversity Of JohannesburgSouth Africa71Positive Autoethnography: What is it and why is it of interest for positive psychologists? Abstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
ProfDaikiKatoKinjo Gakuin UniversityJapan16Positive Effects of Game-mediated Communication on RolefulnessAbstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
DrAsniarKhumasUniversitas Negeri MakassarIndonesia643Positive Emotions and Happiness: The Role of Rituals and Cultural Traditions in Makassar Bugis FamiliesAbstract Accepted as PosterRelationships
MrsKristinaSheaUniversity Of BolognaItaly667Positive Energizing Leadership: Virtuous Behavior, Relational Energy, and Well-being
Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MrFlorencio JrKabigtingClaremont Graduate UniversityPhilippines67Positive HR - Positively Reinventing HR for the 21st Century: A Bibliographic Coupling Analysis Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
ProfEricLaylandUniversity Of DelawareUnited States367Positive LGBTQ-Related Messages During Formative Years and their Impact on LGBTQ+ Adolescents and Adults in New Zealand and the United StatesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Lifespan
MrsSueMackeyChris Mackey PsychologyAustralia622Positive Oncology: An optimistic approach to cancerAbstract Accepted as StorytellingHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrRosemarySaintyUts Business SchoolAustralia552Positive Organizing and the Sustainability Agenda: an Integrated Approach Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
MrsZeenaHicksPositive Education UK & IrelandUnited Kingdom546Positive Psychology Saved My Neurodivergent FamilyAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrLisaMillerAmerican Military UniversityUnited States of America681Positive Psychology Time Travel from Galapagos to LondonAbstract Accepted as StorytellingEnvironment/Nature/Place
DrRebeccaBeightsThe Centre for Positive Behaviour SupportAustralia465Positively Providing for People: How the Multi-Element Behaviour Support Framework is a Friend to Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as DemonstrationClinical
MrscarolinezavolokinThrivemindsAustralia438Postnatal Thriving: integrating positive psychology with antenatal and early parenting education to grow flourishing familiesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Lifespan
DrBrookeLyonsBl Associates Corporate PsychologistsCanada51Predicting Firefighter Performance: The surprising role of spontaneity and humility!Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
DrMelvinChanNational Institute Of EducationSingapore571Proactive Career Behaviors and Well-Being Among Early and Late AdolescentsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrMelvinChanNational Institute Of EducationSingapore587Profiles and Characteristics of Future-ready Learners in Postsecondary EducationAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MrRémiParé-BeaucheminUniversity of SherbrookeCanada280Promoting the inclusion and success of students with disabilities in work-integrated learning: Recommendations based on scientific literature and consultations with key stakeholdersAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrJamesHittnerCollege of CharlestonUnited States of America176Psychological Health Correlates of Individualism and CollectivismAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MrBradDesmondBradDesmond.comAustralia326Psychological Safety in Teams:
Why cultural change isn’t coming to the rescue and what to do instead.
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
ProfAnnaMikhofUniversity of Applied Sciences BochumGermany669Psychological well-being through better nutrition?
A 14-day intervention with the mobile app “Food4Mood”
Abstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrYiranWangQingdao Technical College中国178Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of IKIGAI ScaleAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsLisaBuksbaumSoaringwordsUnited States of America375PTG Interventions for Wartime Trauma: Practical Application of Data From Israel Abstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MrLukeMulcahythriViae.comAustralia501Purposeful Operating Rhythms: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Enhancing Workplace Wellbeing and PerformanceAbstract Accepted as SymposiumWorkplace
MrJoséKislanskyCazuloBrasil423Purposology: Dive into the 6 Elements of Life PurposeAbstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
MsKerryLarbySt Andrew's CollegeNz145Putting research into practice: Creating a compulsory course focussed on VIA character strengthsAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrAnnCollierUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical CampusUnited States of America83Q ̈oyangnuptu Intervention (QI), a sociotechnical system of care that integrates mobile healthcare (mHealth), relational support systems, and cultural ways of well-beingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
DrAnnaBoltenkoRE.SET Coaching And MentoringCanada163RE.SET Game – Renewing Wellbeing through Game-Based CoachingAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
DrJennaMikusEudae Group, University Of Melbourne, QutAustralia650Realizing Meaning when Designing for EudaemoniaAbstract Accepted as StorytellingEnvironment/Nature/Place
ProfWhiteMathewThe University of AdelaideAustralia464Rebooting the teaching profession: renewing teachers’ capabilities to engage with education research to support wellbeing for learningAbstract Accepted as SymposiumEducation
MsKiiraSarasjärviUniversity of HelsinkiAustralia184Reclaiming mental health: the suitability of the (Short) Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, (S)WEMWBS, in the Finnish context (PhD project)Abstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrTatsuyaTaguchiAichi University Of EducationJapan131Reconceptualizing grit for L2 learning: A case study of Japanese university studentsAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrJunghyoParkBloom Company대한민국637Redness for Readiness: A Journey to Holistic WellnessAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
ProfSuzyGreenThe Positivity InstituteAustralia479Reflections on Meaning & Purpose from an Australian Positive Organisational Community of PracticeAbstract Accepted as SymposiumWorkplace
MsJessicaTaylorUniversity of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing ScienceAustralia601Reimagining Responsibility for Wellbeing in SchoolsAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsAnnaliseRoacheThe Coaching Toolbox | New Zealand Association Of Positive PsychologyNew Zealand92Reimagining Wellbeing: Insights from Lived Experiences and The Model of Elemental Wellbeing (Oral presentation)Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrRomneyNoonanSouth West Clinical PsychologyAustralia135Relational-Experiential Theory: A New Lens for Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MrRomneyNoonanSouth West Clinical PsychologyAustralia137Relational-Experiential Theory: Practical Applications of a New Lens for Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
A/ProfMihokoTsurutaKinjo Gakuin UniversityJapan23Relationship Between the Types of Digital Games and Self-EfficacyAbstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
ProfNikkiRickardUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia535Renewal and Growth: Fostering Recovery, Purpose and Strengths through MusicAbstract Accepted as SymposiumArts and Culture
MrAdamSlaterThe University of AdelaideAustralia225Renewed perspectives on wellbeing in education: from teacher practice to cultural responsive wellbeing education - early career researchers' voices - SlaterAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsTaniaZebianThe University of AdelaideAustralia692Renewed perspectives on wellbeing in education: from teacher practice to cultural responsive wellbeing education - early career researchers' voices - ZebianAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MissSueLangleyLangley GroupAustralia112Renewing Your Career: Building a Thriving Positive Psychology BusinessAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopWorkplace
MrsMiekoMatsuyamaJicaJapan544Research on the process to improve the sense of authenticity: for development of a coaching programAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
DrElysePostlewaiteMontclair State UniversityUnited States269Research-Informed Strategies for Cultivating Flourishing in Higher Education in the United StatesAbstract Accepted as SymposiumEducation
DrShikhaSoniDocvita And MindhouseIndia295Resilience and renewal: Investigating flourishing after loss using life stories in Indian adultsAbstract Accepted as StorytellingClinical
DrSaraAscensoUniversity College London & Royal Northern College Of MusicUnited Kingdom612Resounding Meaning: A cross-sectional profile of meaning in life, meaningful work and psychological distress among musiciansAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MrXuYiBeijing Normal UniversityChina335Restructuring Connections: The Impact of Online Positive Psychological Interventions on Depression and Well-being NetworksAbstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseDigital Wellbeing
MsBerniCooperQueensland University Of TechnologyAustralia478Revitalising community: The wall of wellbeing experience - inspiring collective action through dynamic, interactive and digital design.Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopEducation
MsEveLooPositive PrimroseSingapore26Reviving Resilience: A Nature-Based Coaching Framework for Personal GrowthAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
MissSueLangleyLangley GroupAustralia355Rewiring Wellbeing: Exploring the Science of Change in the Human SystemAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrsLayaCommendainspirio e.U.Österreich277Rewrite & Rewire: An interdisciplinary intervention to go beyond expressive writing, transform inner scripts and move towards self-efficacy with poetic empowermentAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsTammyCasselsonHolmesglenAustralia207Rise Up.
Lessons of Hope From My Lived Experience.
Abstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
ProfPninitRusso-NetzerAchva academic collegeIsrael102Sacredness in everyday life: Narratives from India and Isreal

Abstract Accepted as StorytellingSpirituality and Meaning
DrBeth-AnnTekFlourishing AssociatesUnited States of America120School and Student Flourishing: An Assessment & Action SystemAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrLuis MiguelGallardoWorld Happiness FoundationSpain22Schools of Happiness Program. More than forty thousand teachers trained across Latinamerica as catalysts of well-beingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrAnnCollierUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical CampusUnited States of America96Science-Informed Art: The Impact of Having Artists Engage Communities in Public Health DialoguesAbstract Accepted as PosterArts and Culture
DrHidefumiHitokotoKwansei Gakuin UniversityJapan218Searching for the presence or searching is the presence: Cultural happiness adjusting the nature of meaning in life.Abstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MsLisaSansomLVS ConsultingCanada370Self-Actualization Coaching and Leadership for Personal and Organizational Renewal and WellbeingAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MissAlexisHowardFlinders UniversityAustralia498Self-compassion as a resource for positive psychological functioning in the context of daily stressor exposure Abstract Accepted as Student ShowcaseLifespan
ProfPninitRusso-NetzerAchva academic collegeIsrael136Senses and Significance: Experiential Approaches to Meaning in Life Through Sensory EngagementAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopSpirituality and Meaning
MsMarnieThomasNewcastle Grammar SchoolAustralia106Share the Love: Creating a Whole-School Professional Development Model Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
ProfMasayaKobayashiChiba University日本371Slightly more is better than less: Examining Aristotle’s notion of the Golden Mean by Positive Psychology.Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MissJialinXiaoDepartment of Psychology, Lingnan UniversityChina331Smartphone Attachment in Emerging Adults: Impacts on Mental Health Through Basic Psychological NeedsAbstract Accepted as PosterDigital Wellbeing
DrEugene YjTeeDepartment Of Psychology, Help UniversityMalaysia111Speak of the Angel: How Positive Gossip Influences Perceived Social Status through Perceptions of Agency and CommunionAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MrGuo-XingXIANGDepartment of Psychology, Lingnan UniversityHong Kong630Spirituality in Chinese adolescent family: exploring the intergenerational associations and mediating mechanismsAbstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
MrSteveRobertSmart And Mindful OptimizationsCanada283Start with Love: How to Create Smart and Mindful OrganizationsAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MrAmrutBangSEARCHIndia248Status of Flourishing among Indian Emerging AdultsAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MsTrishaCarterTrans Cultural CareersAustralia678Stories of Cultural ShiftAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
DrAgnesSumargiWidya Mandala Surabaya Catholic UniversityIndonesia613Strength-Based Parenting and University Student Wellbeing: Beyond Traditional Parenting StylesAbstract Accepted as PosterLifespan
MrsZeenaHicksPositive Education UK & IrelandUnited Kingdom427Strengthening Parental Self-Concept Clarity: A Global Mixed-Methods Study on the Efficacy of Self-Coaching Positive Psychology Interventions for Parents of Children with ADHDAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Coaching
MsKerenJonesUniversity Of QueenslandAustralia538Strengths as a Pathway to Academic Success: Trialling the use of the VIA Signature Strengths with University StudentsAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MissAnnaGlynnUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia490STRONG Leadership in Practice: How the best sales leaders engage, achieve and thrive. Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
DrLaurenMiller-LewisCQUniversity AustraliaAustralia620Student resilience matters: A systematic mixed-studies review of the association between spirituality and resilience in higher education.Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Spirituality and Meaning
ProfHerbMarshAustralian Catholic UniversityAustralia504Substantially Reducing School Bullying/Victimization: A Large-scale autonomy-supportive teaching intervention changes the classroom ethos.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
ProfRieIshikawaJ.f.oberlin UniversityJapan373Support for Enhancing Well-Being and Sense of Purpose Among RetireesAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
A/ProfStephenBowlesNDU USUUnited States660Support Systems For United States Military SpousesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MsSarahStratonEvergrowingUnited States496Supporting Parental Well-Being Through Positive Psychology: Insights from Psychotherapists' Experiences in Parenting AdolescentsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
ProfEricLaylandUniversity Of DelawareUnited States362Supporting Positive Identity Development of LGBTQ+ Youth through Intentional LGBTQ+ Socialization: Evidence from LGBTQ+ Adolescents and their ParentsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Lifespan
DrLanYangThe Education University Of Hong KongChina646Supporting Senior Secondary Students' Adaptability to Careers: Exploring Feedback Orientation and Self-Directed Learning as BoostersAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsIrisCaiAccentureCanada685Sustainability Leadership: Towards A More "Positive" and Practical FutureAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEnvironment/Nature/Place
ProfDianneVella-BrodrickThe University of MelbourneAustralia567Sustaining student hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing through school wellbeing programs: A systematic review.Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MrsKristaBarryFlow Like Water AcademyAustralia656Swellbeing: A Surfing and Wellbeing ExperienceAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrVeraLudwigUniversity of PennsylvaniaUnited States655Synchronous Smiles and Hearts: Dyadic Meditations Foster
Human Connection in Virtual and In-Person Settings
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
DrLianaLianovGlobal Positive Health InstituteUnited States417Synergies of Positive Psychology in Lifestyle Medicine and Health Care for Positive HealthAbstract Accepted as SymposiumHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsSoniaDi MauloHarvest PerformanceCanada383Take the Leap! Empowering Emerging Leaders Through Purposeful GrowthAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
DrKristinaTurnerLa Trobe UniversityAustralia49Teachers' Application of Positive Psychology StrategiesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MsBlendaBatista de OliveiraUniversity NOVA of LisbonPortugal352Teleworker Wellbeing - Rethinking and redesigning telework to ensure wellbeing sustainability Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
MsBlendaBatista de OliveiraUniversity NOVA of LisbonPortugal596Teleworker Wellbeing Assessment: A comprehensive wellbeing evaluation for teleworkersAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Digital Wellbeing
MsIrisCaiAccentureCanada530Telling Stories to Generate Empathy, Hope & Action for Our PlanetAbstract Accepted as StorytellingEnvironment/Nature/Place
DrNataliaSkogbergFinnish Institute for Health and WelfareSuomi401The 4Cs principles for integrating equity, diversity, inclusion, engagement and belonging in research and practiceAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MrsJoniSturgillInsight with JoniUnited States95The AI AndidoteAbstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
MissLixianXieUniversity of PennsylvaniaUnited States686The Application of Large Language Models in Coaching: A Knowledge-Based Framework for AI-Driven CoachingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Coaching
A/ProfDominikaWilczyńskaUniversity WSB Merito, GdanskPolska272The Burnout Paradox: Does Teaching Youth Take Too Much?Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrsBiancaKislanskyThe Happiness SocietyBrazil407The Case study of a Leadership Training Program for a company with over 10,000 employeesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MrsHongliChenUnicorn EducationChina363The Chinese renaissence man Su Dongpo and me Abstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
A/ProfJohnMalouffUniversity of New EnglandAustralia19The Connection Between Mindfulness and Self-CompassionAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
MrNathanielJohnsonSimon Fraser UniversityCanada168The Daily Fluctuations of Mindful ParentingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MsMichelle YingyiZouPacific Technologies Consulting Group, LLCUnited States419The Economic Impact of Workplace HappinessAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
A/ProfGavinSlempUniversity Of MelbourneAustralia6The effect of interventions to cultivate support for the autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs in educational settings: A systematic review and meta-analysisAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrPay-lingHarnHsuan Chuang UniversityTaiwan255The effect of the "Happy Mind, Playful Action " campus vision project on the learning outcomes and psychological adaptability of Taiwanese college students
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MrsKristinaSheaUniversity Of BolognaItaly287The Effectiveness of Positive Psychology-Based Interventions in Prisons on Well-Being: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
ProfRickKwanTung Wah CollegeHong Kong444The effects of a Digital Buddy programme on digital literacy and mental health: A mixed method studyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Digital Wellbeing
MsNadicaAtanasovaTilburg UniversityNetherlands644The Effects of Daily Strengths Use on Affective Well-Being Among University Students: A Daily Diary StudyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrChi-WenLiangChung Yuan Christian UniversityTaiwan598The effects of imagery rescripting on memory vividness and positive emotion in social anxietyAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MrAriLewisUniversity Of Pennsylvania/Ari Lewis TherapyUnited States481The Emerging Science of Positive Sexuality: Definitions, a Framework, and Future DirectionsAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrTarliYoungUniversity of QueenslandAustralia582The Ethical Road to Well-being: Ethical Framework Clarity linked with increased Well-being across three studies. Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
MrsKristinaSheaUniversity Of BolognaItaly385The Future of Coaching – A Bibliometric Review of the Field
Abstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
DrVirginiaCorriganUniversity Of Tennessee College Of Veterinary MedicineUnited States of America8The Future of Flourishing in Veterinary Medicine: Applied Positive Psychology in Veterinary EducationAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrMarkBartonBought In For The Win LlcUnited States405The Happiness-Success Cycle MethodAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrLisaMillerAmerican Military UniversityUnited States of America680The Hope for Cross-Cultural Leadership in Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as PosterGlobal Challenges
DrLisaMillerAmerican Military UniversityUnited States of America679The Hope for Positive Psychology Emotional ContagionAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MsLisaSansomLVS ConsultingCanada128The impact of feedback valence in the workplace:
What might be the connections to employee trust, relatedness, and engagement?
Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
A/ProfYoshikoOgawaJ.F. Oberlin University日本599The Impact of Omotenashi on Emotional Labor and Employee Well-being: A Cultural Analysis of Japanese Service WorkersAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MrChin LengOngNational Institute Of EducationSingapore303The Impact of the Building and Bridging Flourishing Friendships (BBFF) Intervention Programme on Socially and Emotionally At-risk Adolescents: A Mixed Methods StudyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrJiawunChenSooChow UniversityTaiwan101The indirect relationship between workload and job performance through emotional exhaustion - the protective effect of mindfulness Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
DrHannahMacdougallVictorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football ClubAustralia297The Joy of Moving Past Pain: Active Inference Meets Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as DemonstrationClinical
MrsMayumiHamadaUniversity of Marketing and Distribution Sciences日本586The Magical Creation Diary: Modern Shakyo & Creating Your Own Future by Writing 3 Minutes per DayAbstract Accepted as PosterCoaching
MsKehanMeiUniversity of WarwickChina590The Mediating Role of Self-Control in the Relationships Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Subjective Well-Being—The Evidence from Australia, Germany, and the United StatesAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MrCharlesLeungBei Shan Tang FoundationHong Kong663The Mediation Effect of Making Meaningful Peers Connection on Hong Kong Primary Students' Well-beingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
DrLiLinLingnan UniversityHong Kong454The more (dis)similar, the happier? The relationship between parent-child dyadic (dis)similarity in happiness motivations and well-beingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Relationships
MrSeanAbrahamsUniversity Of Cape TownSouth Africa245The NARMA Model of Languishing: Inversing with Implementation IntentionsAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
ProfDianneVella-BrodrickThe University of MelbourneAustralia687The Nature-Creativity Connection: What do we know about it? Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
MrsMan ChingLINational Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan138The Performance of Executive Function in Children Diagnosed With COVID-19Abstract Accepted as PosterGlobal Challenges
MrsSarahCreeveyThe Playful CoachUnited Kingdom193The Playful Coach: Leveraging Human-Centred Approaches for Lasting ChangeAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopCoaching
ProfJamesPawelskiPositive Psychology Center, University of PennsylvaniaUnited States432The Positive Humanities: Research on the Well-Being Benefits of Philosophical Practice, Visual Art, and Music EngagementAbstract Accepted as SymposiumArts and Culture
A/ProfSeanO'connorUniversity Of SydneyAustralia487The Positive Psychology of Place and Space: Implications for Autonomy and Well-Being in New Ways of WorkingAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MsShaNacinoGratitude Connect OPCPhilippines252The Power of Being Seen: Unlocking Human Connection to Unleash PotentialAbstract Accepted as StorytellingWorkplace
DrPhilipStreitIkjfAustria141The Power of Mattering: A Practical Approach in Working with Children, Youth, and FamiliesAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopSpirituality and Meaning
MrVineshSukumaranVinesh Sukumaran ConsultingIndia588The Power Of Propounding - A Six Step Process To Label And Apply Your Own New Positive Psychology IdeasAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
ProfYoshikoKatoKobe UniversityJapan189The process of fostering well-being among workers in large commercial facilitiesAbstract Accepted as PosterHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
ProfJamesPawelskiPositive Psychology Center, University of PennsylvaniaUnited States253The Psychology of Harmonious Relationships: A Workshop in Three Musical MovementsAbstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress WorkshopRelationships
ProfDmitryLeontievHSE University MoscowRussian Federation661The quality of motivation and activity-related experiencesAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
A/ProfDebraCushingQueensland University Of TechnologyAustralia545The QUT Happiness Atlas uses a photovoice approach to visually explore students’ attachments to campus places that enable social connections and a sense of belonging. Abstract Accepted as PosterEnvironment/Nature/Place
DrMenghuaTsaiChang Gung UniversityTaiwan317The Relationship among Cultural Intelligence, Sense of Humor, Humor Styles and School Adaptation of Undergraduate Student in TaiwanAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrFu-ChienHungChung Yuan Christian UniversityTaiwan574The relationship between fear of recurrence and partner relationship quality in patients with head and neck cancer: The mediating effect of relationship-focused copingAbstract Accepted as PosterClinical
DrShinichiroMatsugumaUniversity of the Philippines Diliman Department of PsychologyPhilippines250The Relationship between Signature Strengths Use and Psychological RichnessAbstract Accepted as PosterOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MsCatrionaCampbellRCSI University Of Medicine And Health SciencesIreland347The role of HR in bringing Positive Psychology concepts to life throughout an organisationAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
DrKerrieBuhagiarSmiling MindAustralia514The Role of Mental Fitness in Supporting Children’s Wellbeing: Insights from the Smiling Mind State of Mind Report 2024Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Lifespan
DrCatrinEamesLiverpool John Moores UniversityUnited Kingdom94The role of repetitive thinking and spirituality in the development of posttraumatic growth Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Clinical
ProfPninitRusso-NetzerAchva academic collegeIsrael162The Science and Practice of Synchronicity: Exploring Meaningful Moments in Daily Life
Abstract Accepted as PosterSpirituality and Meaning
DrEugene YjTeeDepartment Of Psychology, Help UniversityMalaysia555The Spirit of Shared Stories: Reflections on the Role of the Positive Humanities in Psychology EducationAbstract Accepted as StorytellingEducation
MrsMariamVahradyanKaitzak/University of PennsylvaniaAustralia17The Stories We Tell: Collective Narratives in the Armenian DiasporaAbstract Accepted as StorytellingSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MrLukDewulfKiezen Voor TalentBelgium537The story of a movement involving thousands of talent coachesAbstract Accepted as StorytellingEducation
MrDanHardieMyStrengths AustraliaAustralia474The Strengths Movement: How 100,000 Australian teenagers learnt to love their uniquenessAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrCristine MargaretAtienzaPositive Psychology SolutionsPhilippines194The Think-Feel-Do Well Model: An Integrative Pathway to Holistic Well-Being through Positive PsychologyAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
DrJaneKirkhamEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia132The 'wellbeing tree': A systems-informed approach to capturing whole-school wellbeingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
A/ProfChrisLoJames Cook University SingaporeSingapore557Thinking outside the mental health box: Integrating innovation and change with well-beingAbstract Accepted as SymposiumClinical
DrCarlos G.CastroUniversidad TecmilenioMéxico293Toward an Educational Well-Being Factor: Developing an Educational Well-Being Framework and a Measurement ToolAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MsJessicaTaylorUniversity of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing ScienceAustralia597Towards Cultivating Regenerative Systems of Wellbeing in SchoolsAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrSamuelArnoldWestern Sydney University, Schoolo of PsychologyAustralia338Towards the measurement of valued contributionAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
DrImeldaCaleonNational Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore264Tracing the Influence of Friendship Networks on Adolescents' Well-Being and Ill-being: Evidence from a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study in SingaporeAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
DrJuan HumbertoYoungMBSATSwitzerland380Training Human Intelligence (HI) in the age of AI:
Integrating Positive Psychology and Computational Neuroscience for a Positive Fusion of HI and AI
Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopDigital Wellbeing
DrLaurenMiller-LewisCQUniversity AustraliaAustralia540Transitioning to civilian life: How does purpose, meaning, and identity impact the wellbeing of veterans?Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Spirituality and Meaning
DrJasonGoopyEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia562Trauma-informed positive music education supporting young people to heal and growAbstract Accepted as PosterArts and Culture
DrAngelaChenUniversity of MelbourneAustralia503Understanding Compassion and Suffering in Contemporary OrganisationsAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Workplace
MissHoneyElgekaUniversitas Gadjah MadaIndonesia221Understanding Employee Retention Through Expected Value, Time Preferences, and Delay of Gratification: Insights for Sustainable Workforce ManagementAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Workplace
ProfSatoshiShimaiKansai University of Welfare Sciences日本219Understanding Meaning in Life: Demographic and Cultural Predictors of Presence and Search in JapanAbstract Accepted as PosterSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
A/ProfChrisLoJames Cook University SingaporeSingapore563Understanding the Search for Meaning in Life: A Mixed-Methods Study of Lay Perspectives Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Spirituality and Meaning
A/ProfStephenBowlesNDU USUUnited States635United States Service Members Psychological Strengths Contributing to their Well-BeingAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MsKerenJonesUniversity Of QueenslandAustralia536University as a time to gain knowledge and know your strengths: The University of Queensland Confidence Chats ProgramAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrsAullyGrashintaFaculty Of Psychology, Universitas PancasilaIndonesia617Unleashing the Power of Teachers' Character: The Role of School CultureAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
DrTarliYoungUniversity of QueenslandAustralia618Unlocking the Power of Social Identity in the Workplace: 5R Identity Leadership for Healthy, Inclusive, and Engaged OrganisationsAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
MrJoeMarquesAuthentic UnlimitedUnited States of America467Unmasking Authenticity at Work: A Framework for Personal and Professional GrowthAbstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
ProfAnnaMikhofUniversity of Applied Sciences BochumGermany672Urban Mental Health in GermanyAbstract Accepted as PosterEnvironment/Nature/Place
ProfYanickProvost SavardUniversité Du Québec À MontréalCanada198Using Boundary Theory to Improve Work-Life Balance During Remote Work: A Daily Diary StudyAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
MrPeterDavisonRichmond Fellowship QueenslandAustralia307Using Silence Purposefully: Supporting Emotional Wellbeing in Suicide AftercareAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Workplace
MrTroyNorrisWellBalance InstituteUnited States of America33Using the Wellbeing Balance and Lived Experiences (WBAL) Model to Design Individualized Wellbeing PlansAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopOther (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MrsKristinaSheaUniversity Of BolognaItaly358Virtuous Behaviors in Organizations –
A Historical Review through Bibliometric Analysis
Abstract Accepted as PosterWorkplace
DrJulieHaizlipUniversity Of VirginiaUnited States of America425Voices From Medicine - Doctor Heal ThyselfAbstract Accepted as StorytellingArts and Culture
DrLianaLianovGlobal Positive Health InstituteUnited States414Voices From Medicine: Health Professionals’ Personal Stories of Thriving and Personal Growth Abstract Accepted as StorytellingHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
DrKathiNormanPositive Health & Well-BeingUnited States of America684Voices from Medicine: Patient PerspectivesAbstract Accepted as StorytellingHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
ProfNarelleLemonEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia305Voices in the Making: Arts-Based Methods For & As WellbeingAbstract Accepted as SymposiumArts and Culture
DrNicholetteKasmanCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical CenterUnited States of America668Voices of Medicine: Insights from the Operating RoomAbstract Accepted as StorytellingWorkplace
DrRoryDarkinsUniversity of Wollongong & Marathon State of MindAustralia460Want to Flourish? Don't take a Deep Breath, develop Breath MasteryAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Health/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsLauraBetancortBookingSpain589Weaving Narratives, Resilience and the Positive HumanitiesAbstract Accepted as StorytellingArts and Culture
DrMaggieZhaoUniversity Of Hong KongHong Kong470Wellbeing Across Cultures: Navigating Diverse PerspectivesAbstract Accepted as SymposiumSociety/Community/Cross Cultural
MrTroyNorrisWellBalance InstituteUnited States of America31Wellbeing balance and lived experiences assessment: a novel, valid, comprehensive measure of positive well-beingAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods)
MsLisaBakerFaculty of Education, The University Of MelbourneAustralia451Wellbeing Literacy: A Bridge Between Language, Learning, and FlourishingAbstract Accepted as Round Table ProvocationEducation
DrAyse BurcinBaskurtUniversity Of East LondonUnited Kingdom260Wellbeing of Young Women Leaders: Measuring the Impact of SPARKS Leadership ProgrammeAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
ProfShikoKuriharaYour Happiness Is My HappinessJapan144Well-being Rehabilitation Increases Rehabilitation Effectiveness.Abstract Accepted as PosterClinical
MsJoLeechCarey BGSAustralia211Wellbeing theory in practice. How we have taken a whole-school embedded approach towards developing curated wellbeing programmes.Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsAliDunwoodyCarey Baptist Grammar SchoolAustralia210Wellbeing theory in practice. How we have taken a whole-school embedded approach towards developing curated wellbeing programmes.Abstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MrsAnnaPartridgeWestminster SchoolAu115Welllbeing@West: A Place to FlourishAbstract Accepted as SymposiumEducation
DrSaraAscensoUniversity College London & Royal Northern College Of MusicUnited Kingdom422What if? Understanding perceptions of Positive Psychology’s actual and possible societal impact among MAPP alumni in PortugalAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Society/Community/Cross Cultural
DrCarlos G.CastroUniversidad TecmilenioMéxico300What Matters is The Emotion: Natural Leadership to Promote Well-Being in SchoolAbstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire)Education
DrTomBrunzellBerry Street Education ModelAustralia93What’s NEXT for trauma-informed positive education in Australian schools and beyondAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopEducation
MsBerniCooperQueensland University Of TechnologyAustralia329What’s Working Well: An Exploration of Positive Higher Degree Research Student ExperiencesAbstract Accepted as PosterEducation
MsKerenJonesUniversity Of QueenslandAustralia529When a Love of Learning, Hope and Kindness Connect: The UQ Confidence Chats ProgramAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Education
MrsYvetteKrolDeventer HospitalNetherlands166Words as medicine: the healing effect of positive languageAbstract Accepted as 1 Hour WorkshopHealth/Lifestyle/Leisure
MsBerniCooperQueensland University Of TechnologyAustralia577Workplace Wellbeing Literacy: the missing ingredient for promoting flourishing in organisationsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace
DrRainaChhajerIndian Institute Of Management Indore, IndiaIndia47Yoga as a green exercise: Examining the impact on mental health and well-being of young urban adultsAbstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Environment/Nature/Place
DrLianaLianovGlobal Positive Health InstituteUnited States412You-Me-Us: Adapting Meta-analytically Based Positive Psychology Interventions for Healthcare Settings

Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard)Workplace

Key Dates

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2 – 5 July 2025