Title | First Name | Last Name | Organisation | Country | Paper # | Paper Title | Presentation Status | Theme |
Dr | Dalia | Alony | Law And Business Academic Center, Ramat Gan | Israel | 384 | Character Strengths and Physical Exercise: Associations with Well-being and Resilience in Young Adults in Times of Crisis | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mrs | Bianca | Kislansky | The Happiness Society | Brazil | 428 | The implementation of a Happiness Center in a private school in Brazil | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Miss | Elli | Kolovos | Flinders University | Australia | 308 | Exploring Congruency in Wellbeing Literacy: Cross-National Evidence that Greater Alignment Between Wellbeing Priorities and Actions Benefits Mental Health. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
A/Prof | Naeko | Naganuma | Akita International University | Japan | 350 | Well-being House: Creating a theme-based living learning community through positive psychology interventions, character strengths, yoga, and meditation at a small international liberal-arts college in Japan | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mrs | Julie | Mitrovic | Embodied Gem | Japan | 533 | "Embody Your Strengths" Unlocking Character Strengths Through Mind-Body Awareness | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Vidisha | Rai | Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness | India | 274 | "From Chuckles to Cheer": Exploring Humor styles, Belongingness and Psychological Well-being among Indian College Students. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Poulami | Sengupta | Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur | India | 271 | "My guilt is as old as my child" - Exploring the role of Self-forgiveness in managing Parental Guilt among Indian parents of young children | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Mr | Mario | Toledo | Tecmilenio | México | 508 | "Past, Present, and Future: How Time Perspective Influences Social Well-Being in Emerging Adults" | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Daniela | Falecki | Teacher Wellbeing Pty Ltd | Australia | 20 | "Shifting the narrative on educator stress - building our capacity to thrive" | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Lauren | Miller-Lewis | CQUniversity Australia | Australia | 625 | “Being remembered with love”: Perceptions of legacy and its use in discussions about the end of life. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mrs | Bianca | Kislansky | The Happiness Society | Brazil | 434 | 7 Principles for Building Positive Relationships to Enhance Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Relationships |
Prof | Helena | Marujo | Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Centro de Administração e Politicas Publicas | Portugal | 658 | A circumstantial positive psychology in a complex world: why and how positive psychology should contribute to positive peace and public happiness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Vicki | Cabrera | Vicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate University | United States of America | 450 | A Constructive Critique & Conversation: Advancing Positive Psychology with Equity and Justice | Abstract Accepted as Round Table Provocation | Global Challenges |
Ms | Sarah | Backhouse | Deakin University | Australia | 108 | A constructivist grounded theory of architects’ mental wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Workplace |
A/Prof | Agnes | Lai | Hong Kong Metropolitan University | Hong Kong | 327 | A Digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based SMART Exercise Support Program to Improve Fatigue in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer - A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Dr | Liana | Lianov | Global Positive Health Institute | United States | 413 | A Group Program Based in Positive Psychology and Healthy Lifestyles for Women’s Health and Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Gabby | Skelsey | Bayside Partners | Australia | 310 | A Melbourne Psychotherapist attends a Psilocybin Retreat in the Netherlands | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Education |
Ms | Tammy | Casselson | Holmesglen | Australia | 209 | A Mindfulness-Based Wellbeing Program Implemented For Improved Mental Health, Resilience & Performance In Vocational Education & Higher Education (The Nursing Department), Australia | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Mrs | Karoline | Osbild | FOM University of Applied Sciences | Germany | 330 | A qualitative evaluation of a Success and Happiness Diary regarding the learning experiences of cancer patients in remission. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Mr | David | Berez | Six4 Consultants, LLC | United States | 653 | A Resilient Life: A Cop's Journey in Pursuit of Purpose | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Lifespan |
Mr | Jonathan | Skoda | Concordia University | Canada | 532 | A Theoretical Presentation of Esoteric Tibetan Buddhist Meditation: Research Possibilities and Its Benefits for Positive Psychology and Flourishing | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Dr | Ruth | Aston | School of Education, University of Adelaide | Australia | 495 | A transdisciplinary approach to building an evaluation framework for youth wellbeing programs: a marriage of implementation science, economics and program evaluation | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Miss | Awatif | Alsuwaidi | Dubai Police | United Arab Emirates | 400 | A Well-being Revolution in Policing: The Evolution of Dubai Police Quality of Life Center | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Workplace |
Dr | Dian Veronika Sakti | Kaloeti | Universitas Diponegoro | Indonesia | 485 | Academic self-efficacy, depression, anxiety and stress symptom among first year undergraduate students: Resilience as mediator | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Miss | Kei Kwan | Lai | Department of Psychology, Lingnan University | Hong Kong | 155 | Academic Stress, Academic Exhaustion, the Growth Mindset of Intelligence, and Student Outcomes: A Moderated Mediation Analysis | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Miss | Kei Kwan | Lai | Department of Psychology, Lingnan University | Hong Kong | 156 | Acculturation Orientations, Social Contact, and Depression Symptoms among Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Matthew | Iasiello | Be Well Co / University of Adelaide | Australia | 150 | Addressing the jingle-jangle problem in wellbeing science: The development of a taxonomy and item bank for positive mental health. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mrs | Marta | Fonseca | Iom | Austria | 576 | Addressing Vicarious Trauma in Humanitarian Workers Through Primal Beliefs | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Imelda | Caleon | National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University | Singapore | 651 | Adopting a Holistic Approach to Assess Children’s Well-being Across Home, School, and Beyond | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Vicki | Cabrera | Vicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate University | United States of America | 452 | Advancing Social Justice in Positive Psychology: Challenges and Solutions in Scholarship and Professional Practice | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Global Challenges |
Mr | Yen-Hung | Chen | National Pingtung University | Taiwan | 232 | Adversities and Resilience in Collaborative School Counseling: A Pilot Study among Elementary School Counselors in Taiwan | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Dr | Chunyan | Mai | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 443 | Age Differences in Perceptions of Online Health Information: A Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Survey in China | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Philip | Streit | Ikjf | Austria | 142 | Agency, Prospection, and Positive Psychology: Empowering Future-Oriented Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Coaching |
Mr | Junghyo | Park | Bloom Company | 대한민국 | 341 | AI Mental Wellness Coach: Innovating Digital Interventions for Enhanced Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Ms | Jayne | Carruthers | The University Of Newcastle | Australia | 320 | An Expanded Conceptualisation of Psychological Safety | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Miss | Tao | Zhang | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China | 364 | An internet-based acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety and depression in cancer patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Dr | Tshering | Pem | Pemtherapy | Bhutan | 77 | ANALYZING THE PREVALENCE RATES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF ELDERLY ABUSE(PHYSICAL,EMOTIONAL,FINANCIAL NEGLECT) IN NEPAL AND INDIA | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Nicky | Couston | Australian Football League | Australia | 148 | Application of wellbeing science for youth high performance athletes (Australian Rules Football) | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Sarah | Backhouse | Deakin University | Australia | 104 | Applying a positive psychology perspective to office design | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
Dr | Jenna | Mikus | Eudae Group, University Of Melbourne, Qut | Australia | 642 | Applying Wellbeing Science to Precipitate Flourishing by Design | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Environment/Nature/Place |
Mrs | Kristina | Shea | University Of Bologna | Italy | 389 | Appreciative Inquiry Coaching: A Mixed-Methods approach for Positive Change in Coaching | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Dr | Jacob | Burmeister | University of Findlay | United States | 436 | Are meaningful hobbies inherently mindful? | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Lisa | Miller | American Military University | United States of America | 677 | Are You Ready for It: Positive Psychology Changes for College Athletes in the United States | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Zhuoya | Wang | University of California, Berkeley | United States | 629 | Art Shapes Those Sensitive: Influencing Empathy By Sadness Depicted in Art and Viewer's Aesthetic Responsiveness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Arts and Culture |
Mr | Mario | Toledo | Tecmilenio | México | 455 | Art, Museums, and Flourishing: "Museums as Catalysts for Well-Being" | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Arts and Culture |
Ms | Yue | Pan | University of Melbourne | Australia | 228 | Artificial-Intelligence-Assisted Systematic Review: A Proof-of-Concept Study | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Prof | Bernhard | Schmitz | Institute of Psychology TU Darmstadt | Germany | 240 | Art-of-living: A new integrative concept leading to effective interventions for enhancing well-being | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Hannah | Macdougall | Victorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football Club | Australia | 296 | Athlete Well-Being Management in Australian High-Performance Sport | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
博士 | HUITZU | LIN | Department of Counseling, Clinical and Industrial /Organizational Psychology/Ming Chuan University | Taiwan | 638 | Avoidance May Be Easy, But Is It Healthy? Examining How Coping Strategies and Zhong-Yong Thinking Impact College Students' Mental Health in Interpersonal Conflicts | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Relationships |
Prof | Pninit | Russo-Netzer | Achva academic college | Israel | 116 | Awakening to Synchronicity: A Journey through Nature’s Wisdom | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Simon | Coverdale | Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation | Australia | 477 | Balak Kalik Manya (Walking Together) - Combining Indigenous wisdom and modern science to improve people's wellbeing and care for nature by connecting with Country | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
Miss | Meera | al-Mualla | Dubai Police | United Arab Emirates | 569 | Balancing Wellness and Duty: Mental Health Integration Policing | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Prof | Brian | Hill | Brigham Young University | United States of America | 279 | Basic Psychological Needs Support within the Family Environment and Eudaemonic Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Ms | Sila Ashley | Wolf | Association of Nature And Forest Therapy | United States | 691 | Bathing in Brisbane’s Botanic Gardens: A Rejuvenating and Regenerative Positive Psychology Practice | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Environment/Nature/Place |
Ms | Monique | Toohey | Centre for Muslim Wellbeing | Australia | 505 | Be Well: Using the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) model to foster wellbeing with Australian Muslim Communities | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Miss | Anna | Glynn | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 506 | Beating the Bots - How being human is our competitive advantage | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Prof | Yoshiko | Kato | Kobe University | Japan | 190 | Behavioral and cognitive emotional regulation style and the relationship with mental health among Japanese mental health profession | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Kelly Ka Lai | Lam | University Of Macau | Macao | 119 | Better Family Communication Facilitates Zest for Life via Authoritarian Filial Piety Belief in a Chinese Context | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Ava | Shahi | University Of Pennsylvania | United States of America | 183 | Between the Tides of East and West: Using Character Strengths to Navigate the Iranian-American ‘Hyphenated’ Identity and Address Intercultural Conflict | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Prof | Helena | Marujo | Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Centro de Administração e Politicas Publicas | Portugal | 449 | Beyond an individual positive psychology: a critical perspective on community peace and character strengths | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Tessa | van der Willigen | Georgetown University | United States of America | 439 | Beyond hedonia and eudaimonia: Desire-based concepts of well-being and happiness for psychology | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Miss | Nishi | Srivastava | Central University of South Bihar, Gaya | India | 270 | Beyond Limits: Disability, Discrimination, and the Transformative Power of Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mrs | Sonya | Looney | Grow the Good Coaching and Consulting | Canada | 25 | Beyond Perfectionism: The Role of Social Contribution and Purpose in Accomplishment | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mrs | Lee | Shibata | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 158 | Beyond Skills Training: Fostering Wellbeing Through Caring Relationships in Academic Professional Development | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Dr | Tarli | Young | University of Queensland | Australia | 593 | Beyond the Individual: How Social Identity Drives Thriving and Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Tarli | Young | University of Queensland | Australia | 614 | Beyond the Personal Self: How Expansive Identities that Include Nature and the Universe Shape Well-being and Moral Concern | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Evan | Bose | Bangalore University | India | 623 | Bioharmonic Resonance Therapy: Using Ecosystem Soundscapes and Binaural Echoes to Treat Anxiety and Enhance Emotional Resilience | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Ms | Sonia | Di Maulo | Harvest Performance | Canada | 393 | Brave Apple’s Leap: Navigating Change and Renewal through Courage and Connection in Leadership | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Environment/Nature/Place |
Mr | Andrew | Soren | Eudaimonic By Design | Canada | 415 | Bridging Diverse Identities in the Pursuit of Inclusive Meaningful Work | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Workplace |
Miss | Thi Thuy Trang | Truong | University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Hochiminh City | Viet Nam | 35 | Bridging Educational Disparities in East Asia and the Pacific: A Systematic Literature Review, Development of A Context Adaptive Growth Mindset Board-Game for Low Socioeconomic Adolescents | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Prof | Simon | Coulombe | Université Laval | Canada | 426 | Bridging Self-Care and Positive Psychology: Insights and Innovations for a Healthy Lifestyle and Enhanced Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Denise | Quinlan | IWR | New Zealand | 339 | Bridging the Divide: Building Empathy through Listening | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Sarah | Fefer | University Of Massachusetts Amherst | United States | 676 | Bringing Positive Psychology to Public Schools: Implementation Data and Lessons Learned from Small-Group Intervention Delivery in Middle Schools | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Hannah | Macdougall | Victorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football Club | Australia | 224 | Building an Inclusive Culture: A Story of Well-being, Accessibility, and Values in AFL | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Workplace |
Dr | Veronica | Fruiht | Dominican University Of California | United States of America | 98 | Building Blocks for a Happy Life: Longitudinal Associations Between Early Life Income, Mentorship and Later Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Mr | Dan | Hardie | MyStrengths Australia | Australia | 502 | Building Strengths from the Ground Up: Promoting Self-Esteem and Flourishing Among Regional Australian Youth | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Jennifer | Fletcher | The University Of Sydney | Australia | 473 | Building students' career decision-making self-efficacy: Integrating employability in innovative curriculum to Design Your Future | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Tan-chyuan | Chin | The University Of Melbourne | Australia | 639 | Building wellbeing capability in learning communities: Insights for renewed action | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Education |
Dr | Mike | Conway | XVenture | Australia | 462 | Can an elite sports mindset program be used in business to improve individual performance? | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Workplace |
Dr | Margaret | Lambert | Dr Margaret Lambert, Psychologist | Australia | 493 | Can Emotional Freedom Techniques, or Tapping, help to increase student resilience? | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Education |
Dr | Chi-Wen | Liang | Chung Yuan Christian University | Taiwan | 578 | Can working memory load facilitate benign interpretation in social anxiety? | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Ms | Linda | Rowley | Linda Rowley Consulting | Australia | 175 | Carer Camino: A Novel Intervention for Walking into Wellbeing. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
A/Prof | Aya | Futamura | Kinjo Gakuin University | Japan | 24 | Causal Relationship Between Self-Efficacy, Game Types, and Game-Mediated Communication | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Miss | Oyedolapo | Oyedola | Institute Of Advanced Medical And Research Training | Nigeria | 649 | Challenges and Initial Outcomes of Positive Education Implementation in African Public Schools: An Exploratory Study in Nigeria | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Miss | Sue | Langley | Langley Group | Australia | 409 | Changing Lives with Positive Psychology: the impact of the science on real lives! | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Dr | Jia-Qi Melody | Xu | The University Of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 196 | Character Strength Embedded Physical Education Lessons for Students with Physical Disabilities: A Pilot Study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Prof | Narelle | Lemon | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 302 | Character Strengths in Action: Novel Applications for Diverse Populations and Settings | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Nur | Islamiah | IPB University | Id | 615 | Children Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies: The Role of Maternal Psychopathology, Metacognitions, and Parenting Practices | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Miss | Kathryn | Bermingham | Dubbo College Delroy Campus | Australia | 298 | CIRCLE YOUR WAY TO RENEWAL: your classrooms, your staff meetings, your line management and your ultimate WELLBEING, using CIRCLE SOLUTIONS. Let's do some CIRCLE WORK. | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Education |
Dr | Mark | Hopper | Blackburn College | United States of America | 472 | Circling Back: Finding Meaning in Life’s Loops | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mrs | Claudia | Owad | Growth Coaching International | Australia | 76 | Coaching as a wellbeing amplifier | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Ms | Karlie | Payne | Ivanhoe Girls Grammar | Australia | 619 | Co-creating a Positive Education Wellbeing Framework through Community Collaboration and Change Management | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Ms | Reem | Al-Mansoori | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 345 | Co-designing Prostheses with Traumatic Amputee Children to Enhance their Body-image | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Prof | Manami | Ozaki | Sagami women's University | Japan | 328 | Collective Positive Illusion (CPI), Interdependent Happiness, and Spiritual Health during the Covid-19 Pandemic | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mrs | Mayumi | Hamada | University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences | 日本 | 605 | College English Education for Happiness in Japan | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Glenda | Chi | Chi Consulting Services | Australia | 82 | Community Wellbeing: Home Away from Home | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Laura Elvie | Smith | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 208 | Conceptualising Teacher Readiness to Support Student Wellbeing: A Scoping Review | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Mr | Nicholas | Falke | FOM University of Applied Sciences | Germany | 509 | Conceptualization and evaluation of a positive-psychological intervention for trainees to promote learning techniques and positive self-management. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Ms | Johanna Maria | Brück | FOM University Of Applied Sciences | Germany | 396 | Conceptualization and evaluation of an intervention to promote emotional intelligence and stress coping among social media users - a quantitative study | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Mr | Troy | Norris | WellBalance Institute | United States of America | 32 | Contributors to Positive Wellbeing Across Life Situations, Generations and Genders | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mr | Jerin | V Philipose | Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani, Pilani Campus | India | 7 | Core Self-Evaluations as a Mediator for Mindfulness and Flourishing: Evidence from Christians in Kerala, India | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
A/Prof | Naeko | Naganuma | Akita International University | Japan | 634 | Creating "community" as an on-campus residence through positive psychology interventions at a small international liberal-arts college in Japan: Well-being House | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Jessica | Taylor | University of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing Science | Australia | 610 | Creating Thriving School Ecosystems: Applying Thriveability Theory through the ThriveWell Model | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Miss | Marie | Clergeau | ULB | Belgium | 42 | Cross-cultural exploration of social sharing of emotions among traumatized people : the case of Ukrainian refugees and Belgian victims of the 2016 attacks | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Jessica | Taylor | University of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing Science | Australia | 591 | Cultivating Regenerative Systems of Wellbeing: Reimagining Organisational Practices | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Workplace |
Ms | Sabrina | Mckenzie | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 182 | Cultivating Self-Compassion through Music Listening | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Arts and Culture |
Dr | Jessica | Versfeld | The University Of Pretoria, South Africa | South Africa | 40 | Cultivating Social Connectedness Through an Expressive Arts-Based Intervention for Primary School Teachers in the Global South | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Anna | Boltenko | RE.SET Coaching And Mentoring | Canada | 165 | Cultivating Wellbeing and Personal Growth Through Game-Based Coaching | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Coaching |
Dr | Hanchao | Hou | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 311 | Cultivating Wellbeing Literacy for Public Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Short Video-Based Intervention | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Henry C. Y. | Ho | The Education University Of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 192 | Daily Workplace Mistreatments and Well-Being: The Wellbeing-Amplifying and Stress-Buffering Effects of Mindfulness | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Ms | Melinda | Phillips | Compassionate Schools | Australia | 429 | Decentering (mindfulness and self compassion) and social connection: Australian research sharing findings of protective factors for school staff following critical incidents. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Rhonda | Swickert | College of Charleston | United States | 88 | Decentering Meditation Reduces Stress and Enhances Confidence Following an Academic Failure | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Ms | Kirsi | Soulamo | South-Eastern Finland University Of Applied Sciences - Xamk | Finland | 171 | Designing interventions for cultivating courage | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Ms | Sofie Jia Ying | Teoh | James Cook University Singapore | Singapore | 87 | Developing An Ecological-Systems Perspective Of Wellbeing In Autistic Adults | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Prof | White | Mathew | The University of Adelaide | Australia | 321 | Developing guidelines for renewal of program design, practice, and research toward a positive and wellbeing education practice | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Education |
Prof | Kazuhisa | Miwa | Nagoya University | Japan | 244 | Development and Evaluation of a Companion Chatbot to Facilitate Self-Disclosure in Everyday Communication | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Mr | Hidenori | Yao | eclect Inc. | Japan | 234 | Development and Evaluation of a Corporate Well-being Program through Holistic Approach: A Mixed Methods research with an Exploratory Sequential and Convergent Design | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Prof | Toshiyuki | Yasui | Eikei University Of Hiroshima | Japan | 107 | Development and prototype validation of a natural language processing artificial intelligence engine for subjective well-being inference and emotion analysis using LLM and ABSA | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Miss | Ummul | Fatima | AIIIMS | India | 404 | Development and validation of guided self-help intervention to cultivate positive emotions for young adults. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
MS | Yoga | Tokuyoshi | Coaching Psychology Center | Japan | 30 | Development and validation of the Japanese version of the Organizational Mattering Scale (OMS-J) | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
MS | Yoga | Tokuyoshi | Coaching Psychology Center | Japan | 13 | Development and validation of the PRISM Scale for Tomorrowmind | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Clare Elizabeth | Cannon | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid | Spain | 103 | Dialogue that Transforms: Science-Backed Tools for Renewing Relationships | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Arts and Culture |
Mr | Rémi | Paré-Beauchemin | University of Sherbrooke | Canada | 291 | Discovering My True Self: A Journey of Transformation, Resilience, and Growth, Mirroring Scientific Knowledge | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Spirituality and Meaning |
Prof | Dianne | Vella-Brodrick | The University of Melbourne | Australia | 689 | Do School-Based Wellbeing Programs Have Lasting Effects? A Systematic Review. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Indrani | Mukherjee | Medimind | Australia | 133 | Does employee wellbeing influence nurses and allied health professionals to walk the extra mile at work? | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Ms | Blenda | Batista de Oliveira | University NOVA of Lisbon | Portugal | 606 | Educator Purpose Canvas | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Etsuyo | Nishigaki | Kansai Medical University | Japan | 181 | Effect of a Positive Intervention Program for College Students on Resilience and PERMA | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Miss | PUNYASREE | MP | Indian Institute Of Technology, Bhilai | India | 551 | Effect of Online Hope Intervention on PhD scholars | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Coaching |
Prof | Christian | Van Nieuwerburgh | RCSI University of Medicine And Health Sciences | Ireland | 342 | Effective Reflective Practice: Integrating Positive Intention and Wellbeing into Professional Development | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Ms | Yiwen | Wu | The Chinese University Of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 200 | Effectiveness and Mechanisms of an Online Positive Psychology Course: A Mixed-Methods Study of Sustained Well-Being Enhancement among Hong Kong College Students | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Miss | Wan-Jung | Chien | National Taiwan Normal Unversity | Taiwan | 117 | Effectiveness of executive function and creativity action learning courses in changing behavior and brain connectivity | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Miss | Tao | Zhang | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China | 361 | Effects of digital psychological interventions on physical symptoms in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Mrs | Noriko | Nakano | NTT DATA Japan Corporation | Japan | 510 | Effects of Positive Psychology Interventions on Employee Work Engagement: A Practical Case in a Major Japanese Company | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
A/Prof | Hiroki | Uratani | Musashino University | 日本 | 524 | Effects of the Well-Being Dialogue Card Facilitator Course on improving well-being | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Lauren | Miller-Lewis | CQUniversity Australia | Australia | 553 | Elevating Well-being in Aged-Care Homes: A Systematic Review of Positive Psychology Interventions for Enhancing Well-being and Quality-of-Life in Aged-Care Residents. | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Lifespan |
Mrs | Laya | Commenda | inspirio e.U. | Österreich | 566 | Embracing Life’s Contrasts at 50: A Global Journey from Happiness to Inner Peace and Meaning | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Amrut | Bang | SEARCH | India | 631 | Emotional World of Indian Emerging Adults | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Sonia | Di Maulo | Harvest Performance | Canada | 392 | Empowering Adolescents in Mexico with Purpose: Positive Psychology in Action | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Martin | Wammerl | Ikjf | Austria | 143 | Empowering Education: Boosting Self-Efficacy and Flourishing through PERMA.teach | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Renee | Lockwood | University Of Sydney | Australia | 316 | Enhancing Motivation and Goal Setting for HDR Students | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Yoriko | Matsuda | J. F. Oberlin University | Japan | 357 | Enhancing Workplace Wellbeing: Validating Meeting Effectiveness and Meeting Relevance Scales in Japanese Organizations | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Ms | Victoria | Humble | Bodhilead@myt | Hong Kong | 466 | ENLIGHTENMENT LEADERSHIP Awakening the Enlightened Leader in You for Lasting Global Impact | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mrs | SOLAT | ZAIDI | Mind Body Soul SisterZ | United States | 262 | Establishing Practice Standards in Positive Psychology: A Preliminary Framework for IPPA Based on ISO 9001:2015 Principles | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Sue | Der Kinderen | S. der Kinderen & affiliated with Vrije University Amsterdam | Netherlands | 348 | Eudaimonic Behavior as a Route to Well-being and Performance at Work | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Ms | Apostolina | Michaelidou | Youth Coaching Lab Single Member P.C | Greece | 683 | Evaluating a pilot coaching programme for high school students in Greece: An experimental randomized control trial measuring wellbeing and mental health | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Ratih Arruum | Listiyandini | YARSI University & UNSW Sydney | Indonesia | 648 | Evaluating Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes of a Guided Culturally Adapted Internet-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Indonesian University Students: A Wait-List Randomized Controlled Trial | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Miss | Shelby | Greenslade | University Of Western Australia | Australia | 177 | Evaluating the Mediator of the Positive Emotions Program for Schizophrenia (PEPS): A Study Protocol | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Clinical |
Ms | Josefine | Busch | FOM University Of Applied Science | Germany | 397 | Evaluation of a positive-psychological intervention to improve mental strength and vitality of employees - a quantitative study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Vicki | Cabrera | Vicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate University | United States of America | 447 | Evaluation Workshop 1 - Renewing Impact: Introductory Evaluation Tools for Positive Psychology Interventions | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Vicki | Cabrera | Vicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate University | United States of America | 448 | Evaluation Workshop 2 - Advancing Renewal: Culturally Responsive and Systems-Based Evaluation for Positive Psychology Interventions | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mr | Rémi | Paré-Beauchemin | University of Sherbrooke | Canada | 286 | Ever felt unable to be who you truly are? You’re not alone. Here are some obstacles to being truly yourself according to a scoping review | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Ms | Eve | Loo | Positive Primrose | Singapore | 37 | Eve's Authentic Human Connection with Her Passion and Whole-Hearted Love for Bhutan and Positive Psychology Coaching | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Ms | Eve | Loo | Positive Primrose | Singapore | 519 | Eve's playful pathways beyond the mountains | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
A/Prof | Sean | O'connor | University Of Sydney | Australia | 483 | Evidence Based Coaching Approaches for Applied Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Ms | Natasha | Mercer | Wenona School | Australia | 528 | Evidence-based Student Peer Coaching: A Dual Approach to Supporting Wellbeing and Achievement. | Abstract Accepted as Demonstration | Education |
Dr | KATSUMI | MERA | The Graduate School Of Management, Globis University | Japan | 299 | Examining the Relationship between English Proficiency Development and Subjective Well-being Among Working Adults in Japan | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Ms | Kaitlin | Mitchell | Rutgers University | United States of America | 170 | Examining the Relationship between Self-Defining Activities, Flow State, and Identity Development among Individuals with Serious Mental Illness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mr | Ananda | Krishnan | Indian Institute Of Technology Hyderabad | India | 513 | Experiences of Navigating Mental Health Problems in India | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Dr | Eugene Yj | Tee | Department Of Psychology, Help University | Malaysia | 43 | Experiencing Ikigai as the Psychologically Rich Life: An Exploratory Study of Valued Experiences across Three Countries | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mr | Daichi | Sugawara | University of Tsukuba | Japan | 304 | Exploration of culturally specific Japanese strengths and virtues: Textual analysis of school, student, and teacher ideals in elementary and secondary schools | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Miss | Yui Ki | Lam | Hong Kong Buddhist Association | Hong Kong | 374 | Explore the relationships between parents’ wellbeing literacy, their subjective wellbeing, and parenting | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Ms | Laura | Betancort | Booking | Spain | 377 | Exploring Emotional Granularity through the Cross-Cultural Lexicon of Well-Being: Navigating Appreciation of Imperfection and Resilience through Wabi-Sabi and Poetry Writing in the Canary Islands | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Miss | Yi | YANG | Yishi Consulting Ltd | United Kingdom | 129 | Exploring Strengths-based Coaching Impact Chinese Managers and Entrepreneurs’ Cognitive Development and Meaning in life | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Coaching |
Mrs | Lucia Johanna | Kuhn | German Society of Positive Psychology | Technical University of Dortmund | Germany | 583 | Exploring the Effects of the German Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice Program on Well-being: a Longitudinal, Quasi-experimental Study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Jia-Qi Melody | Xu | The University Of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 199 | Exploring the Impact of Online Mindfulness Training on Wellbeing Literacy: A Mixed Methods Approach | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Stephanie Fu | Yang | National Cheng Kung University | Taiwan | 662 | Exploring the Interplay of Internet Use and Psychological Wellbeing in Older Adults at Active Learning Centers in Taiwan | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Lauren | Miller-Lewis | CQUniversity Australia | Australia | 621 | Exploring the relationship between adversity, spirituality and resilience in Australian undergraduate allied health university students. | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
准教授 | Yu | Urata | The University Of Osaka | Japan | 359 | Exploring the relationship between character strengths and well-being | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Vera | Ludwig | University of Pennsylvania | United States | 659 | Exploring the Role of Sexuality in Positive Psychology: What is Sexual Well-Being? | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Relationships |
Mr | Mohammad | Aloufi | The University Of Adelaide | Australia | 151 | Exploring the Wellbeing of Nursing Students in Saudi Arabia: A Multimethod Study | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Miss | Han | Meng | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 463 | Factors and strategies that support teachers delivering music in Australian primary schools using the PERMAH model | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
A/Prof | Minyoung | Lee | Soonchunhyang University | South Korea | 61 | Failure Tolerance and Constructive Social Comparison for Psychological Well-being | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mrs | Shereen | Metry | Queensland University Of Technology | Australia | 640 | Faith in God as a protective factor against mental illness among university students within Australia. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | David | Mezinec | Tenison Woods College and UniSA | Australia | 398 | Fanning the flame within – harnessing develecology and positive education in schools for appreciative transformative systemic cultural change. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Allison | Kiefner Burmeister | The University Of Findlay | United States of America | 172 | Farmers’ Markets as an Avenue Toward Positive Child Psychological Relationships with Healthy Foods | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Lifespan |
Dr | Yi-Chen | Lee | Chung Yuan Christian University | Taiwan | 554 | Finding Meaning in the Mundane: The Role of Positive Emotions in Shaping Our Perception of Meaning | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Troy | Norris | WellBalance Institute | United States of America | 34 | Finding My Way to Resilient Wellbeing: How I Finally Became Well and Stayed Well | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Jacqui | Francis | The Centre for Wellbeing Science, The University of Melbourne | Australia | 550 | First Nations Wellbeing Literacy Pilot Program Effectiveness | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Shikha | Soni | Docvita And Mindhouse | India | 294 | Flourishing After Loss: A Positive Psychology Exploration Among Indian Adults | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Dr | Ianina | Scheuch | TU Dresden | Germany | 579 | Flourishing in Education: Designing a coaching psychology programme to promote wellbeing and resilience among undergraduate students in UK & Germany | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Mrs | Lee | Shibata | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 157 | Fostering Teacher Wellbeing and Kindness to Promote Community Flourishing in Education | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Lisa | Baker | Faculty of Education, The University Of Melbourne | Australia | 480 | Framing early wellbeing pedagogy and practice – an early education framework adapted from the wellbeing literacy capability model | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Prof | Pninit | Russo-Netzer | Achva academic college | Israel | 159 | From Coincidence to Meaning: A Multidimensional Exploration of Synchronicity Awareness, Meaning and Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mrs | Patricia | Friberg | Patricia Friberg Coaching | United States | 313 | From Creative Expression to Corporate Connection: Exploring Arts-Based Interventions for Leadership and Team Flourishing | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Arts and Culture |
Mrs | Marta | Fonseca | Iom | Austria | 543 | From Despair to Resilience: A Syrian Humanitarian Worker’s Journey of Post-Traumatic Growth | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
A/Prof | Dominika | Wilczyńska | University WSB Merito, Gdansk | Polska | 266 | From Inspiration to Victory: How the i7W Model Shapes the Psychological Well-Being of Young Athletes | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Philip | Streit | Ikjf | Austria | 140 | From Resistance to Resilience: New Authority and Positive Psychology for Future-Focused Leadership | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Dr | Lan | Yang | The Education University Of Hong Kong | China | 682 | From teacher feedback to students’ engagement with feedback: Assessing the mediating role of students’ academic self-concept | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Yusuke | Arima | Kyushu University | 日本 | 573 | Fundamental Relationship between Sustainability Factors and Home-Related Subjective Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
Mrs | Pauline | Melnyk | Melnyk Consultancy Ltd | Canada | 27 | Future-Proofing Organizational Change: Integrating Coaching, Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Multi-SDG Strategies | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Dr | Hannah | Macdougall | Victorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football Club | Australia | 57 | Going out on a limb: Well-being, Resilience, and Non-Selection for 2024 Paris Paralympic Games | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Grace Yuying | Sun | Hong Kong Metropolitan University | Hong Kong | 236 | Group-based nonviolent communication interventions for reducing parenting stress: a pilot randomised controlled trial | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Dr | Jana | Koci | Ganesha University of Education | Indonesia | 204 | Happiness in Indonesian University Students: Validation of the Student Well-being Scale Considering Cultural Differences and Insights into Student Well-being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Maggie | Zhao | University Of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 353 | Harmony reconceptualized: A new framework and validated measurement scales | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Ms | Bea | Bincze | TreeB Consulting Kft. | Hungary | 257 | Harnessing Humor and Flow for Renewal in Leadership and Coaching | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Coaching |
Ms | Kiira | Sarasjärvi | University of Helsinki | Australia | 186 | Harnessing mental well-being in clinical research | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Ms | Heidi | Baxter | Te Whatu Ora | New Zealand | 147 | Harnessing positive psychology in diabetes | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Tarli | Young | University of Queensland | Australia | 647 | Harnessing the Power of Social Connections for Well-being: The Social Cure in Action | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Clinical |
Mr | Victor | Perton | The Centre For Optimism | Australia | 124 | Helping CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government) to Restore Hope and Optimism in our Common Future. | Abstract Accepted as Round Table Provocation | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
A/Prof | Dominika | Wilczyńska | University WSB Merito, Gdansk | Polska | 430 | HIITing Prenatal and Postpartum Depression: Insights from a Comprehensive RCT Analysis | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Miss | Corina | Zhao | Teachers College, Columbia University | United States of America | 90 | Hope that Heals: Longitudinal Impact of Hopefulness on Depression, Cognitive Function, and Well-Being in Chronic Disease Populations | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Gizem | ARIKAN | Ozyegin University | Turkey | 334 | How do mindfulness and coping strategies predict young adults’ social media addiction? | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Mr | José | Kislansky | Cazulo | Brasil | 424 | How to Create and Deliver Your Happiness Workshop | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Mr | Rémi | Paré-Beauchemin | University of Sherbrooke | Canada | 289 | How to encourage adolescents to seek help from adults at school for their mental health problems? A qualitative inquiry | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Clinical |
Prof | Toshiyuki | Yasui | Eikei University Of Hiroshima | Japan | 110 | Identifying key factors which pro-environment behaviors correlate subjective well-being of residents by exploratory factor and Markovian modeling analysis: empirical and comparative research in regenerative city | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Environment/Nature/Place |
Ms | Jayne | Carruthers | The University Of Newcastle | Australia | 319 | Identifying the Presence of Psychological Safety in Doctoral Learning and Development | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mr | Weilun | Yuen | National University Of Singapore | Singapore | 626 | Impact of Social-Focused and Person-Focused Values on Subjective Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mr | Martin | Harasek | Torrens University Australia | Australia | 10 | Impact of Web Conferencing Technology Adoptions on the Australian Project Manager’s Workplace Emotional Experience. | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Workplace |
Mr | Florencio Jr | Kabigting | Claremont Graduate University | Philippines | 66 | Improving Employee Creativity Using Paradoxical Strengths Regulation (PSR): A Mediated Path Analysis Among Personality Traits, Paradox Mindset, and Creativity | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Prof | Toru | Shiotani | Kanazawa Institute Of Technology | Japan | 349 | Improving University Students’ Wellbeing Through a Required Course for First-year Students (1) | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mr | Kei | Matsumoto | Kanazawa Institute Of Technology | Japan | 461 | Improving University Students’ Wellbeing Through a Required Course for First-year Students (2) | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Chetna | Jaiswal | Central University Of South Bihar | India | 585 | In pursuit of life satisfaction, exploring the role of environmental sustainability, Resilience and ethnicity among Mukkuvar: a fishing community of Malabar | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
Mr | Krishna Singh | Bhandari | Indian Institute Of Technology Jodhpur | India | 378 | In the Mood for Work? Understanding the Moderating Role of Wise Emotional Regulation in Mitigating Mood Contagion Effects on Employee Workplace Attitudes and Behavior | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Mr | Arman | Marwing | Central Queensland University | Australia | 600 | Indonesian Muslim Sufis' Perspectives on Well-being | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Ms | Monika | Owczarek | good gut better | Germany | 247 | Innovating better lives: How disruptive products shape our world and how Positive Psychology can help innovate better solutions | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Global Challenges |
Dr | Ivan | Raymond | Life Buoyancy Institute Foundation | Australia | 516 | Intentionally building wellbeing-responsive communities: Embedding wellbeing science as a 'way of thinking and being' across a school, organisation or region | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Miss | Tanika | Sgherza | University Of Western Australia | Australia | 79 | Internalising symptoms and wellbeing: Meta-analysis of the potential protective role of psychological strengths and interpersonal resources | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Clinical |
Dr | Jaco | Meyer | North-West University | South Africa | 153 | Interventions to promote the well-being of music teachers | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Lisa | Baker | Faculty of Education, The University Of Melbourne | Australia | 459 | Introducing ‘WellMet’ - a Wellbeing Literacy Vignette Method for analysing wellbeing language interactions in your context | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Education |
Prof | Bernhard | Schmitz | Institute of Psychology TU Darmstadt | Germany | 241 | Is there a synergetic relationship between eudaimonia and hedonia An intervention study to test the superiority of the combination of hedonia and eudaimonia | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Ms | linting | ZHANG | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China | 360 | It Feels Good to Cook for Others: Examining the Relationship between Prosocial Cooking and Well-being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Mr | Robert | Baker | Tailored Thinking | United Kingdom | 595 | Job Crafting Masterclass - Empowering Individual, Team and Organisational Renewal through Personalised Work Design | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Workplace |
Prof | Masaya | Kobayashi | Chiba University | 日本 | 435 | Justice in Positive Political Psychology: Virtue and Character Strengths in Japan | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Ms | Blenda | Batista de Oliveira | University NOVA of Lisbon | Portugal | 609 | Leader Purpose Canvas | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Dr | Nurlaila | Effendy | Indonesian Positive Psychology Organization | Indonesia | 559 | Leader’s Performance With Balanced Score Card Through Psychological Capital, Competency, Social support, Climate, and Engagement | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
A/Prof | Stephen | Bowles | NDU USU | United States | 627 | Leaders Well-Being in Government and Military Sectors | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Mr | Andrew | Soren | Eudaimonic By Design | Canada | 416 | Leadership as Catalyst for Meaningful Work in a Changing World | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Workplace |
Dr | Vivien | Forner | Institute of Management Psychology & University Of Sydney | Australia | 226 | Leadership Development Utilizing Self-Determination Theory | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Mr | David | Mezinec | Tenison Woods College and UniSA | Australia | 395 | Leading for sustained wellbeing in school communities: insights from a mixed method multiple case study exploring positive education implementation in Australia. | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Education |
Ms | Sha | Nacino | Gratitude Connect OPC | Philippines | 258 | Leading with CARE™: Bridging the Workplace Disconnection Gap | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Ms. | Leona | Brandwene | University of Pennsylvania | United States of America | 675 | Learn by Giving: Fusing Project-Based and Service Learning Methods in Positive Psychology Education | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Ianina | Scheuch | TU Dresden | Germany | 592 | LEGO® Serious Play®: A play-oriented approach for positive psychology, resilience and wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Prof | Claude-Hélène | Mayer | University Of Johannesburg | South Africa | 72 | Lessons learned from Frithjof Bergmann and salutogenesis in the digital age: A positive, psychobiographical perspective | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Lifespan |
Ms | Bea | Bincze | TreeB Consulting Kft. | Hungary | 261 | Leverage and develop humor in positive psychology practice | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Coaching |
Prof | Masato | Kawabata | Rikkyo University | Japan | 337 | Lifestyle behaviors associated with learning motivation in Japanese primary school students | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Michelle | Andrews Luke | University of Melbourne | Australia | 152 | Listening to Students: The Co-Creation of Positive Humanity for Whole-School Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mr | Mark | Barton | Bought In For The Win Llc | United States | 394 | LIVING ON PURPOSE A positive psychology-based program to help you fulfill your purpose and create a happy, successful life. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mr | Andrew | Soren | Eudaimonic By Design | Canada | 406 | Look Good, Feel Good, Live Good: Personal Style as a Conduit to Well-being. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Arts and Culture |
Dr | Michael | Camire | Husson University | United States of America | 12 | Making gains on the hedonic treadmill: considerations for Weber and Fechner's laws | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Ivan | Raymond | Life Buoyancy Institute Foundation | Australia | 561 | Making positive education stick: How to develop a wellbeing framework contextualised to my school community | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Mark | Hopper | Blackburn College | United States of America | 457 | MAPS--The Motivated Alignment of Personal Strengths to Academic, Career, and Personal Projects. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Laura | Dewitte | KU Leuven | Belgium | 410 | Meaning in life across the adult lifespan: Age differences in levels and correlates of purpose, significance, and coherence in a broad US sample | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Vinesh | Sukumaran | Vinesh Sukumaran Consulting | India | 645 | Meditation As An Intervention – Learn And Teach The Wisdom Of The Ages To Improve Lives | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
Ms | Sara | Beattie | Sara Beattie Coaching | United Arab Emirates | 525 | Menopause: The Age of Renewal | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Lifespan |
Frau | Djellëza | Sadrija | Fom University of Applied Sciences & Thyssenkrupp | Germany | 29 | Microsoft Copilot in everyday work A quantitative evaluation with regard to the psychological empowerment, self-efficacy and flow experience of employees | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Mr | Nathaniel | Johnson | Simon Fraser University | Canada | 169 | Mindfulness and Mental Health Across the Lifespan | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Lifespan |
Mr | Masaya | Okamoto | Tecmilenio University | Mexico | 500 | Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) for Teachers and Students: Seven Years of Large-Scale Interventions in Education Settings | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Juan Humberto | Young | MBSAT | Switzerland | 388 | Minding as radically new, scientifically validated approach to mindful positve living and managing organizations positively and responsibly | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Juan Humberto | Young | MBSAT | Switzerland | 382 | Minding as Tool for Sustainable Individual and Collective Well-being and Meaningful Systemic Change | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Global Challenges |
Dr | Juan Humberto | Young | MBSAT | Switzerland | 387 | Minding Recognition and Generative Models for Flourishing in Professional and Private Life: An integrative Approach Based on Computational Neuroscience | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Ms | linting | ZHANG | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China | 368 | More grateful today, less depressive tomorrow: The day-to-day association between gratitude and depressed mood | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Kameron | Nelson | Montana State University Billings | United States | 214 | More Than Just a Game: Exploring the Interplay of Life Satisfaction and Athletic Success in College Athletes | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Deborah | Koder | Swinburne University of Technology | Australia | 63 | Moving beyond the disease: Flourishing and mature happiness in Parkinson’s. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Prof | Masaya | Kobayashi | Chiba University | 日本 | 570 | Multi-Dimensional Dynamics of Psychosomatic Health Disparities under the COVID-19 in Japan: Fairness/Justice in Socio-economic and Ethico-political Factors | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Hyun-Ju | Kim | Cha Bundang Medical Center | South Korea | 50 | Multimodal Neural Correlates of Dispositional Resilience Among Healthy Individuals | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Dr | Jason | Goopy | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 641 | Musical flourishing: Supporting student and teacher wellbeing in Australian school music education | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Arts and Culture |
Mrs | Alexandra | Harper | Western Sydney University | Australia | 45 | Nature Play: Reinvigorating the Early Years of School to Foster Children's Wellbeing and Academic Flourishing | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Mrs | Patricia | Friberg | Patricia Friberg Coaching | United States | 275 | Navigating Transitions with Resilience: The SoCal Sojourner’s Guide to Creating a Home | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mrs | Sarah | Wellan | Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany | Germany | 558 | Neural correlates of meaning in life in resting-state fMRI. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Evan | Bose | Bangalore University | India | 628 | Neuro-Coaching for Metacognitive Evolution: Implementing Brain-Based Coaching to Promote Self-Directed Cognitive Growth in Therapy | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Clinical |
Ms | Kasey | Lloyd | Kasey Lloyd: Psychologist + Coach | Australia | 584 | Neurodivergent Flourishing | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Reb | Rebele | Melbourne Business School | Australia | 458 | Nobody Wants to Be Just One Kind of Person: Personality Dynamics and Their Implications for Positive Psychology Research and Practice | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Ms | Jiaqing | Shi | ATC Wellbeing Center | 中国 | 336 | Nourishing Resilience in China's Silicon Valley: when positive psychology meets 2023 Asian Olympic Games | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Miss | Jennifer Linda | Dorling | Bond University | Australia | 21 | Novel Psychological Instrument for Measuring Mental Toughness and Implications for PsyCap | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Ms | Marnie | Thomas | Newcastle Grammar School | Australia | 109 | Oh, the Places You’ll Go: Postcards from Positive Education | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Bryant Pui Hung | Hui | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | China | 575 | Online Prosocial Behavior Scale: Exploration and Validation of Factor Structure Among Ordinary People | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Ms | Abby | Blyler | University Of Pennsylvania | United States | 376 | Optimism as a Predictor of Electoral Victory: Changes in Candidate Explanatory Style During the 2024 Presidential Campaign | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Miss | Meera | al-Mualla | Dubai Police | United Arab Emirates | 568 | Optimizing Sleep Quality for Police Officers: Addressing Challenges in a Demanding Profession | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Ms | Jennifer | Cheavens | The Ohio State University | United States of America | 421 | Optimizing Prosocial Interventions Across Diverse Populations: The Moderators and Mechanisms that Affect Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Clinical |
Mr | Steven | Hoskinson | Organic Intelligence | United States | 476 | Organic Intelligence Clinical Demonstration: How Biology Self-Organizes in an Everyday Conversation | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Mr | Steven | Hoskinson | Organic Intelligence | United States | 471 | Organic Intelligence: A Longstanding and Wholehearted Positive Psychology Clinical Methodology | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Mr | Steven | Hoskinson | Organic Intelligence | United States | 469 | Organic Intelligence®: Growing Bandwidth, Reducing Harm--An Established Positive Psychology Clinical Methodology for Therapists and Coaches | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Dr | Marc-Antoine | Gradito Dubord | Université De Montréal | Canada | 201 | Overcoming Feedback Challenges for Managers Through Self-Determination Theory: A Digital Intervention | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Mr | Robert | Baker | Tailored Thinking | United Kingdom | 604 | Overcoming Technostress & Unlocking the Human Potential of AI through People-Centric Job Design | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Digital Wellbeing |
Mrs | Sushmita | Sharma | Indian Institute Of Technology, Guwahati | India | 488 | Parenting a child with Developmental Disability in India: The mediating role of Commitment to Parental Identity in Basic Psychological Needs, Life Satisfaction and Post-traumatic Growth | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Ms | Catriona | Campbell | RCSI University Of Medicine And Health Sciences | Ireland | 344 | Partnering with the UPenn Resilience Program: Transforming an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Sarah | Schnitker | Baylor University | United States of America | 366 | Patience in Adversity: New Research on an Old Virtue | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Lifespan |
Mrs | Roz | Rimes | Live with Zest | Australia | 246 | Paws for Well-being: The benefits of canine-human interaction for our physical and mental health | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Virginia | Corrigan | University Of Tennessee College Of Veterinary Medicine | United States of America | 259 | Pawsitive Psychology: Exploring the Human-Animal Bond as a Pathway to Enhanced Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Catherine | MacLaurin | Conservatorium Of Music High School, Nsw Department Of Education And Training | Australia | 442 | Peak Performance, Positive Psychology and Virtual Reality | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Digital Wellbeing |
Prof | Bettina S. | Wiese | Rwth Aachen University | Deutschland | 205 | Perceived maternal encouragement and subjective well-being of the father: A multi-wave longitudinal study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Ms | Jennifer | Cheavens | The Ohio State University | United States of America | 278 | Perceptions of Kind, Nice, and Caring: How Different Age Groups View Prosocial Behaviors | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Lifespan |
Dr | Vicki | Cabrera | Vicki Cabrera Consulting/Claremont Graduate University | United States of America | 482 | PERMA and PERMA+4 Empirical Findings Across the World | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Workplace |
Dr | Claire | TREADGOLD | Starlight Children's Foundation | Australia | 100 | PERMA and the Planet Starlight program: Applying positive psychology in a virtual space for hospitalised children | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Martin | Wammerl | Ikjf | Austria | 139 | PERMA.kids: A New Tool for Assessing and Fostering Well-Being in Children and Adolescents | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Mr | Florencio Jr | Kabigting | Claremont Graduate University | Philippines | 68 | PERMA+4 Well-being and Work Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Japan: A Positive Human Resource Management Approach | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mr | Alexander | Mackenzie | Winston Churchill Society | United Kingdom | 56 | Personal Resolve | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Arts and Culture |
Mr | Andrew | Napier | Centre for Wellbeing Science, The University Of Melbourne | Australia | 64 | Pilot testing an online, multi-dimensional meaning in life intervention for emerging adults: A mixed-methods study | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Ms | Jennifer | Martow | University Of Guelph | Canada | 433 | Pioneering paths to positive mental health: An in-depth scoping review of comprehensive positive psychology interventions for youth. | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Dr | Jana | Koci | Ganesha University of Education | Indonesia | 203 | Positive (Tech)education: Building Well-Being of University Students Using PERMA and Artificial Intelligence | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Prof | Kohki | Arimitsu | Kwansei Gakuin University | 日本 | 521 | Positive affect training for patients with PTSD : A web-based randomized controlled trial. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Ms | Yue | Pan | University of Melbourne | Australia | 212 | Positive Ageing: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review Exploring the Wellbeing of Chinese Older Adults | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Lisa | Buksbaum | Soaringwords | United States of America | 273 | Positive Aging: Soaringwords’ Wellbeing Initiative for Seniors in Long-Term Care Facilities | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Prof | Claude-Hélène | Mayer | University Of Johannesburg | South Africa | 71 | Positive Autoethnography: What is it and why is it of interest for positive psychologists? | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Prof | Daiki | Kato | Kinjo Gakuin University | Japan | 16 | Positive Effects of Game-mediated Communication on Rolefulness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Asniar | Khumas | Universitas Negeri Makassar | Indonesia | 643 | Positive Emotions and Happiness: The Role of Rituals and Cultural Traditions in Makassar Bugis Families | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Relationships |
Mrs | Kristina | Shea | University Of Bologna | Italy | 667 | Positive Energizing Leadership: Virtuous Behavior, Relational Energy, and Well-being | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Mr | Florencio Jr | Kabigting | Claremont Graduate University | Philippines | 67 | Positive HR - Positively Reinventing HR for the 21st Century: A Bibliographic Coupling Analysis | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Prof | Eric | Layland | University Of Delaware | United States | 367 | Positive LGBTQ-Related Messages During Formative Years and their Impact on LGBTQ+ Adolescents and Adults in New Zealand and the United States | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Lifespan |
Mrs | Sue | Mackey | Chris Mackey Psychology | Australia | 622 | Positive Oncology: An optimistic approach to cancer | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Rosemary | Sainty | Uts Business School | Australia | 552 | Positive Organizing and the Sustainability Agenda: an Integrated Approach | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
Mrs | Zeena | Hicks | Positive Education UK & Ireland | United Kingdom | 546 | Positive Psychology Saved My Neurodivergent Family | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Lisa | Miller | American Military University | United States of America | 681 | Positive Psychology Time Travel from Galapagos to London | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Environment/Nature/Place |
Dr | Rebecca | Beights | The Centre for Positive Behaviour Support | Australia | 465 | Positively Providing for People: How the Multi-Element Behaviour Support Framework is a Friend to Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as Demonstration | Clinical |
Mrs | caroline | zavolokin | Thriveminds | Australia | 438 | Postnatal Thriving: integrating positive psychology with antenatal and early parenting education to grow flourishing families | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Lifespan |
Dr | Brooke | Lyons | Bl Associates Corporate Psychologists | Canada | 51 | Predicting Firefighter Performance: The surprising role of spontaneity and humility! | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Dr | Melvin | Chan | National Institute Of Education | Singapore | 571 | Proactive Career Behaviors and Well-Being Among Early and Late Adolescents | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Melvin | Chan | National Institute Of Education | Singapore | 587 | Profiles and Characteristics of Future-ready Learners in Postsecondary Education | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Mr | Rémi | Paré-Beauchemin | University of Sherbrooke | Canada | 280 | Promoting the inclusion and success of students with disabilities in work-integrated learning: Recommendations based on scientific literature and consultations with key stakeholders | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | James | Hittner | College of Charleston | United States of America | 176 | Psychological Health Correlates of Individualism and Collectivism | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Mr | Brad | Desmond | BradDesmond.com | Australia | 326 | Psychological Safety in Teams: Why cultural change isn’t coming to the rescue and what to do instead. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Prof | Anna | Mikhof | University of Applied Sciences Bochum | Germany | 669 | Psychological well-being through better nutrition? A 14-day intervention with the mobile app “Food4Mood” | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Yiran | Wang | Qingdao Technical College | 中国 | 178 | Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of IKIGAI Scale | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Lisa | Buksbaum | Soaringwords | United States of America | 375 | PTG Interventions for Wartime Trauma: Practical Application of Data From Israel | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Mr | Luke | Mulcahy | thriViae.com | Australia | 501 | Purposeful Operating Rhythms: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Enhancing Workplace Wellbeing and Performance | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Workplace |
Mr | José | Kislansky | Cazulo | Brasil | 423 | Purposology: Dive into the 6 Elements of Life Purpose | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
Ms | Kerry | Larby | St Andrew's College | Nz | 145 | Putting research into practice: Creating a compulsory course focussed on VIA character strengths | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Ann | Collier | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | United States of America | 83 | Q ̈oyangnuptu Intervention (QI), a sociotechnical system of care that integrates mobile healthcare (mHealth), relational support systems, and cultural ways of well-being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Anna | Boltenko | RE.SET Coaching And Mentoring | Canada | 163 | RE.SET Game – Renewing Wellbeing through Game-Based Coaching | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Dr | Jenna | Mikus | Eudae Group, University Of Melbourne, Qut | Australia | 650 | Realizing Meaning when Designing for Eudaemonia | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Environment/Nature/Place |
Prof | White | Mathew | The University of Adelaide | Australia | 464 | Rebooting the teaching profession: renewing teachers’ capabilities to engage with education research to support wellbeing for learning | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Education |
Ms | Kiira | Sarasjärvi | University of Helsinki | Australia | 184 | Reclaiming mental health: the suitability of the (Short) Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, (S)WEMWBS, in the Finnish context (PhD project) | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Tatsuya | Taguchi | Aichi University Of Education | Japan | 131 | Reconceptualizing grit for L2 learning: A case study of Japanese university students | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mr | Junghyo | Park | Bloom Company | 대한민국 | 637 | Redness for Readiness: A Journey to Holistic Wellness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Prof | Suzy | Green | The Positivity Institute | Australia | 479 | Reflections on Meaning & Purpose from an Australian Positive Organisational Community of Practice | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Workplace |
Ms | Jessica | Taylor | University of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing Science | Australia | 601 | Reimagining Responsibility for Wellbeing in Schools | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Annalise | Roache | The Coaching Toolbox | New Zealand Association Of Positive Psychology | New Zealand | 92 | Reimagining Wellbeing: Insights from Lived Experiences and The Model of Elemental Wellbeing (Oral presentation) | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mr | Romney | Noonan | South West Clinical Psychology | Australia | 135 | Relational-Experiential Theory: A New Lens for Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Mr | Romney | Noonan | South West Clinical Psychology | Australia | 137 | Relational-Experiential Theory: Practical Applications of a New Lens for Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
A/Prof | Mihoko | Tsuruta | Kinjo Gakuin University | Japan | 23 | Relationship Between the Types of Digital Games and Self-Efficacy | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Prof | Nikki | Rickard | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 535 | Renewal and Growth: Fostering Recovery, Purpose and Strengths through Music | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Arts and Culture |
Mr | Adam | Slater | The University of Adelaide | Australia | 225 | Renewed perspectives on wellbeing in education: from teacher practice to cultural responsive wellbeing education - early career researchers' voices - Slater | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Tania | Zebian | The University of Adelaide | Australia | 692 | Renewed perspectives on wellbeing in education: from teacher practice to cultural responsive wellbeing education - early career researchers' voices - Zebian | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Miss | Sue | Langley | Langley Group | Australia | 112 | Renewing Your Career: Building a Thriving Positive Psychology Business | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Workplace |
Mrs | Mieko | Matsuyama | Jica | Japan | 544 | Research on the process to improve the sense of authenticity: for development of a coaching program | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Dr | Elyse | Postlewaite | Montclair State University | United States | 269 | Research-Informed Strategies for Cultivating Flourishing in Higher Education in the United States | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Education |
Dr | Shikha | Soni | Docvita And Mindhouse | India | 295 | Resilience and renewal: Investigating flourishing after loss using life stories in Indian adults | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Clinical |
Dr | Sara | Ascenso | University College London & Royal Northern College Of Music | United Kingdom | 612 | Resounding Meaning: A cross-sectional profile of meaning in life, meaningful work and psychological distress among musicians | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Mr | Xu | Yi | Beijing Normal University | China | 335 | Restructuring Connections: The Impact of Online Positive Psychological Interventions on Depression and Well-being Networks | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Digital Wellbeing |
Ms | Berni | Cooper | Queensland University Of Technology | Australia | 478 | Revitalising community: The wall of wellbeing experience - inspiring collective action through dynamic, interactive and digital design. | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Education |
Ms | Eve | Loo | Positive Primrose | Singapore | 26 | Reviving Resilience: A Nature-Based Coaching Framework for Personal Growth | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Miss | Sue | Langley | Langley Group | Australia | 355 | Rewiring Wellbeing: Exploring the Science of Change in the Human System | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mrs | Laya | Commenda | inspirio e.U. | Österreich | 277 | Rewrite & Rewire: An interdisciplinary intervention to go beyond expressive writing, transform inner scripts and move towards self-efficacy with poetic empowerment | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Tammy | Casselson | Holmesglen | Australia | 207 | Rise Up. Lessons of Hope From My Lived Experience. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Prof | Pninit | Russo-Netzer | Achva academic college | Israel | 102 | Sacredness in everyday life: Narratives from India and Isreal | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Spirituality and Meaning |
Dr | Beth-Ann | Tek | Flourishing Associates | United States of America | 120 | School and Student Flourishing: An Assessment & Action System | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mr | Luis Miguel | Gallardo | World Happiness Foundation | Spain | 22 | Schools of Happiness Program. More than forty thousand teachers trained across Latinamerica as catalysts of well-being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Ann | Collier | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | United States of America | 96 | Science-Informed Art: The Impact of Having Artists Engage Communities in Public Health Dialogues | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Arts and Culture |
Dr | Hidefumi | Hitokoto | Kwansei Gakuin University | Japan | 218 | Searching for the presence or searching is the presence: Cultural happiness adjusting the nature of meaning in life. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Lisa | Sansom | LVS Consulting | Canada | 370 | Self-Actualization Coaching and Leadership for Personal and Organizational Renewal and Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Miss | Alexis | Howard | Flinders University | Australia | 498 | Self-compassion as a resource for positive psychological functioning in the context of daily stressor exposure | Abstract Accepted as Student Showcase | Lifespan |
Prof | Pninit | Russo-Netzer | Achva academic college | Israel | 136 | Senses and Significance: Experiential Approaches to Meaning in Life Through Sensory Engagement | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Spirituality and Meaning |
Ms | Marnie | Thomas | Newcastle Grammar School | Australia | 106 | Share the Love: Creating a Whole-School Professional Development Model | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Prof | Masaya | Kobayashi | Chiba University | 日本 | 371 | Slightly more is better than less: Examining Aristotle’s notion of the Golden Mean by Positive Psychology. | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Miss | Jialin | Xiao | Department of Psychology, Lingnan University | China | 331 | Smartphone Attachment in Emerging Adults: Impacts on Mental Health Through Basic Psychological Needs | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Eugene Yj | Tee | Department Of Psychology, Help University | Malaysia | 111 | Speak of the Angel: How Positive Gossip Influences Perceived Social Status through Perceptions of Agency and Communion | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Mr | Guo-Xing | XIANG | Department of Psychology, Lingnan University | Hong Kong | 630 | Spirituality in Chinese adolescent family: exploring the intergenerational associations and mediating mechanisms | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Steve | Robert | Smart And Mindful Optimizations | Canada | 283 | Start with Love: How to Create Smart and Mindful Organizations | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Mr | Amrut | Bang | SEARCH | India | 248 | Status of Flourishing among Indian Emerging Adults | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Trisha | Carter | Trans Cultural Careers | Australia | 678 | Stories of Cultural Shift | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Agnes | Sumargi | Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University | Indonesia | 613 | Strength-Based Parenting and University Student Wellbeing: Beyond Traditional Parenting Styles | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Lifespan |
Mrs | Zeena | Hicks | Positive Education UK & Ireland | United Kingdom | 427 | Strengthening Parental Self-Concept Clarity: A Global Mixed-Methods Study on the Efficacy of Self-Coaching Positive Psychology Interventions for Parents of Children with ADHD | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Coaching |
Ms | Keren | Jones | University Of Queensland | Australia | 538 | Strengths as a Pathway to Academic Success: Trialling the use of the VIA Signature Strengths with University Students | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Miss | Anna | Glynn | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 490 | STRONG Leadership in Practice: How the best sales leaders engage, achieve and thrive. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Dr | Lauren | Miller-Lewis | CQUniversity Australia | Australia | 620 | Student resilience matters: A systematic mixed-studies review of the association between spirituality and resilience in higher education. | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Prof | Herb | Marsh | Australian Catholic University | Australia | 504 | Substantially Reducing School Bullying/Victimization: A Large-scale autonomy-supportive teaching intervention changes the classroom ethos. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Prof | Rie | Ishikawa | J.f.oberlin University | Japan | 373 | Support for Enhancing Well-Being and Sense of Purpose Among Retirees | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
A/Prof | Stephen | Bowles | NDU USU | United States | 660 | Support Systems For United States Military Spouses | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Ms | Sarah | Straton | Evergrowing | United States | 496 | Supporting Parental Well-Being Through Positive Psychology: Insights from Psychotherapists' Experiences in Parenting Adolescents | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Prof | Eric | Layland | University Of Delaware | United States | 362 | Supporting Positive Identity Development of LGBTQ+ Youth through Intentional LGBTQ+ Socialization: Evidence from LGBTQ+ Adolescents and their Parents | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Lifespan |
Dr | Lan | Yang | The Education University Of Hong Kong | China | 646 | Supporting Senior Secondary Students' Adaptability to Careers: Exploring Feedback Orientation and Self-Directed Learning as Boosters | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Iris | Cai | Accenture | Canada | 685 | Sustainability Leadership: Towards A More "Positive" and Practical Future | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Environment/Nature/Place |
Prof | Dianne | Vella-Brodrick | The University of Melbourne | Australia | 567 | Sustaining student hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing through school wellbeing programs: A systematic review. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Mrs | Krista | Barry | Flow Like Water Academy | Australia | 656 | Swellbeing: A Surfing and Wellbeing Experience | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Vera | Ludwig | University of Pennsylvania | United States | 655 | Synchronous Smiles and Hearts: Dyadic Meditations Foster Human Connection in Virtual and In-Person Settings | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Dr | Liana | Lianov | Global Positive Health Institute | United States | 417 | Synergies of Positive Psychology in Lifestyle Medicine and Health Care for Positive Health | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Sonia | Di Maulo | Harvest Performance | Canada | 383 | Take the Leap! Empowering Emerging Leaders Through Purposeful Growth | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Dr | Kristina | Turner | La Trobe University | Australia | 49 | Teachers' Application of Positive Psychology Strategies | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Ms | Blenda | Batista de Oliveira | University NOVA of Lisbon | Portugal | 352 | Teleworker Wellbeing - Rethinking and redesigning telework to ensure wellbeing sustainability | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Ms | Blenda | Batista de Oliveira | University NOVA of Lisbon | Portugal | 596 | Teleworker Wellbeing Assessment: A comprehensive wellbeing evaluation for teleworkers | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Digital Wellbeing |
Ms | Iris | Cai | Accenture | Canada | 530 | Telling Stories to Generate Empathy, Hope & Action for Our Planet | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Environment/Nature/Place |
Dr | Natalia | Skogberg | Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare | Suomi | 401 | The 4Cs principles for integrating equity, diversity, inclusion, engagement and belonging in research and practice | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mrs | Joni | Sturgill | Insight with Joni | United States | 95 | The AI Andidote | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
Miss | Lixian | Xie | University of Pennsylvania | United States | 686 | The Application of Large Language Models in Coaching: A Knowledge-Based Framework for AI-Driven Coaching | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Coaching |
A/Prof | Dominika | Wilczyńska | University WSB Merito, Gdansk | Polska | 272 | The Burnout Paradox: Does Teaching Youth Take Too Much? | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mrs | Bianca | Kislansky | The Happiness Society | Brazil | 407 | The Case study of a Leadership Training Program for a company with over 10,000 employees | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Mrs | Hongli | Chen | Unicorn Education | China | 363 | The Chinese renaissence man Su Dongpo and me | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
A/Prof | John | Malouff | University of New England | Australia | 19 | The Connection Between Mindfulness and Self-Compassion | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Mr | Nathaniel | Johnson | Simon Fraser University | Canada | 168 | The Daily Fluctuations of Mindful Parenting | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Ms | Michelle Yingyi | Zou | Pacific Technologies Consulting Group, LLC | United States | 419 | The Economic Impact of Workplace Happiness | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
A/Prof | Gavin | Slemp | University Of Melbourne | Australia | 6 | The effect of interventions to cultivate support for the autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs in educational settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Pay-ling | Harn | Hsuan Chuang University | Taiwan | 255 | The effect of the "Happy Mind, Playful Action " campus vision project on the learning outcomes and psychological adaptability of Taiwanese college students | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Mrs | Kristina | Shea | University Of Bologna | Italy | 287 | The Effectiveness of Positive Psychology-Based Interventions in Prisons on Well-Being: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Prof | Rick | Kwan | Tung Wah College | Hong Kong | 444 | The effects of a Digital Buddy programme on digital literacy and mental health: A mixed method study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Digital Wellbeing |
Ms | Nadica | Atanasova | Tilburg University | Netherlands | 644 | The Effects of Daily Strengths Use on Affective Well-Being Among University Students: A Daily Diary Study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Chi-Wen | Liang | Chung Yuan Christian University | Taiwan | 598 | The effects of imagery rescripting on memory vividness and positive emotion in social anxiety | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Mr | Ari | Lewis | University Of Pennsylvania/Ari Lewis Therapy | United States | 481 | The Emerging Science of Positive Sexuality: Definitions, a Framework, and Future Directions | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Tarli | Young | University of Queensland | Australia | 582 | The Ethical Road to Well-being: Ethical Framework Clarity linked with increased Well-being across three studies. | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mrs | Kristina | Shea | University Of Bologna | Italy | 385 | The Future of Coaching – A Bibliometric Review of the Field | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Dr | Virginia | Corrigan | University Of Tennessee College Of Veterinary Medicine | United States of America | 8 | The Future of Flourishing in Veterinary Medicine: Applied Positive Psychology in Veterinary Education | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mr | Mark | Barton | Bought In For The Win Llc | United States | 405 | The Happiness-Success Cycle Method | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Lisa | Miller | American Military University | United States of America | 680 | The Hope for Cross-Cultural Leadership in Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Global Challenges |
Dr | Lisa | Miller | American Military University | United States of America | 679 | The Hope for Positive Psychology Emotional Contagion | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Ms | Lisa | Sansom | LVS Consulting | Canada | 128 | The impact of feedback valence in the workplace: What might be the connections to employee trust, relatedness, and engagement? | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
A/Prof | Yoshiko | Ogawa | J.F. Oberlin University | 日本 | 599 | The Impact of Omotenashi on Emotional Labor and Employee Well-being: A Cultural Analysis of Japanese Service Workers | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Mr | Chin Leng | Ong | National Institute Of Education | Singapore | 303 | The Impact of the Building and Bridging Flourishing Friendships (BBFF) Intervention Programme on Socially and Emotionally At-risk Adolescents: A Mixed Methods Study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Jiawun | Chen | SooChow University | Taiwan | 101 | The indirect relationship between workload and job performance through emotional exhaustion - the protective effect of mindfulness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Dr | Hannah | Macdougall | Victorian Institute Of Sport / Melbourne Football Club | Australia | 297 | The Joy of Moving Past Pain: Active Inference Meets Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as Demonstration | Clinical |
Mrs | Mayumi | Hamada | University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences | 日本 | 586 | The Magical Creation Diary: Modern Shakyo & Creating Your Own Future by Writing 3 Minutes per Day | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Coaching |
Ms | Kehan | Mei | University of Warwick | China | 590 | The Mediating Role of Self-Control in the Relationships Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Subjective Well-Being—The Evidence from Australia, Germany, and the United States | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Mr | Charles | Leung | Bei Shan Tang Foundation | Hong Kong | 663 | The Mediation Effect of Making Meaningful Peers Connection on Hong Kong Primary Students' Well-being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Dr | Li | Lin | Lingnan University | Hong Kong | 454 | The more (dis)similar, the happier? The relationship between parent-child dyadic (dis)similarity in happiness motivations and well-being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Relationships |
Mr | Sean | Abrahams | University Of Cape Town | South Africa | 245 | The NARMA Model of Languishing: Inversing with Implementation Intentions | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Prof | Dianne | Vella-Brodrick | The University of Melbourne | Australia | 687 | The Nature-Creativity Connection: What do we know about it? | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
Mrs | Man Ching | LI | National Taiwan Normal University | Taiwan | 138 | The Performance of Executive Function in Children Diagnosed With COVID-19 | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Global Challenges |
Mrs | Sarah | Creevey | The Playful Coach | United Kingdom | 193 | The Playful Coach: Leveraging Human-Centred Approaches for Lasting Change | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Coaching |
Prof | James | Pawelski | Positive Psychology Center, University of Pennsylvania | United States | 432 | The Positive Humanities: Research on the Well-Being Benefits of Philosophical Practice, Visual Art, and Music Engagement | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Arts and Culture |
A/Prof | Sean | O'connor | University Of Sydney | Australia | 487 | The Positive Psychology of Place and Space: Implications for Autonomy and Well-Being in New Ways of Working | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Ms | Sha | Nacino | Gratitude Connect OPC | Philippines | 252 | The Power of Being Seen: Unlocking Human Connection to Unleash Potential | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Workplace |
Dr | Philip | Streit | Ikjf | Austria | 141 | The Power of Mattering: A Practical Approach in Working with Children, Youth, and Families | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Spirituality and Meaning |
Mr | Vinesh | Sukumaran | Vinesh Sukumaran Consulting | India | 588 | The Power Of Propounding - A Six Step Process To Label And Apply Your Own New Positive Psychology Ideas | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Prof | Yoshiko | Kato | Kobe University | Japan | 189 | The process of fostering well-being among workers in large commercial facilities | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Prof | James | Pawelski | Positive Psychology Center, University of Pennsylvania | United States | 253 | The Psychology of Harmonious Relationships: A Workshop in Three Musical Movements | Abstract Accepted as Half Day Pre-Congress Workshop | Relationships |
Prof | Dmitry | Leontiev | HSE University Moscow | Russian Federation | 661 | The quality of motivation and activity-related experiences | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
A/Prof | Debra | Cushing | Queensland University Of Technology | Australia | 545 | The QUT Happiness Atlas uses a photovoice approach to visually explore students’ attachments to campus places that enable social connections and a sense of belonging. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Environment/Nature/Place |
Dr | Menghua | Tsai | Chang Gung University | Taiwan | 317 | The Relationship among Cultural Intelligence, Sense of Humor, Humor Styles and School Adaptation of Undergraduate Student in Taiwan | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Fu-Chien | Hung | Chung Yuan Christian University | Taiwan | 574 | The relationship between fear of recurrence and partner relationship quality in patients with head and neck cancer: The mediating effect of relationship-focused coping | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Dr | Shinichiro | Matsuguma | University of the Philippines Diliman Department of Psychology | Philippines | 250 | The Relationship between Signature Strengths Use and Psychological Richness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Ms | Catriona | Campbell | RCSI University Of Medicine And Health Sciences | Ireland | 347 | The role of HR in bringing Positive Psychology concepts to life throughout an organisation | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Dr | Kerrie | Buhagiar | Smiling Mind | Australia | 514 | The Role of Mental Fitness in Supporting Children’s Wellbeing: Insights from the Smiling Mind State of Mind Report 2024 | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Lifespan |
Dr | Catrin | Eames | Liverpool John Moores University | United Kingdom | 94 | The role of repetitive thinking and spirituality in the development of posttraumatic growth | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Clinical |
Prof | Pninit | Russo-Netzer | Achva academic college | Israel | 162 | The Science and Practice of Synchronicity: Exploring Meaningful Moments in Daily Life | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Spirituality and Meaning |
Dr | Eugene Yj | Tee | Department Of Psychology, Help University | Malaysia | 555 | The Spirit of Shared Stories: Reflections on the Role of the Positive Humanities in Psychology Education | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Education |
Mrs | Mariam | Vahradyan | Kaitzak/University of Pennsylvania | Australia | 17 | The Stories We Tell: Collective Narratives in the Armenian Diaspora | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mr | Luk | Dewulf | Kiezen Voor Talent | Belgium | 537 | The story of a movement involving thousands of talent coaches | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Education |
Mr | Dan | Hardie | MyStrengths Australia | Australia | 474 | The Strengths Movement: How 100,000 Australian teenagers learnt to love their uniqueness | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Cristine Margaret | Atienza | Positive Psychology Solutions | Philippines | 194 | The Think-Feel-Do Well Model: An Integrative Pathway to Holistic Well-Being through Positive Psychology | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Dr | Jane | Kirkham | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 132 | The 'wellbeing tree': A systems-informed approach to capturing whole-school wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
A/Prof | Chris | Lo | James Cook University Singapore | Singapore | 557 | Thinking outside the mental health box: Integrating innovation and change with well-being | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Clinical |
Dr | Carlos G. | Castro | Universidad Tecmilenio | México | 293 | Toward an Educational Well-Being Factor: Developing an Educational Well-Being Framework and a Measurement Tool | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Ms | Jessica | Taylor | University of Melbourne - Center for Wellbeing Science | Australia | 597 | Towards Cultivating Regenerative Systems of Wellbeing in Schools | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Samuel | Arnold | Western Sydney University, Schoolo of Psychology | Australia | 338 | Towards the measurement of valued contribution | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Imelda | Caleon | National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University | Singapore | 264 | Tracing the Influence of Friendship Networks on Adolescents' Well-Being and Ill-being: Evidence from a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study in Singapore | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Dr | Juan Humberto | Young | MBSAT | Switzerland | 380 | Training Human Intelligence (HI) in the age of AI: Integrating Positive Psychology and Computational Neuroscience for a Positive Fusion of HI and AI | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Digital Wellbeing |
Dr | Lauren | Miller-Lewis | CQUniversity Australia | Australia | 540 | Transitioning to civilian life: How does purpose, meaning, and identity impact the wellbeing of veterans? | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Spirituality and Meaning |
Dr | Jason | Goopy | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 562 | Trauma-informed positive music education supporting young people to heal and grow | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Arts and Culture |
Dr | Angela | Chen | University of Melbourne | Australia | 503 | Understanding Compassion and Suffering in Contemporary Organisations | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Workplace |
Miss | Honey | Elgeka | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Indonesia | 221 | Understanding Employee Retention Through Expected Value, Time Preferences, and Delay of Gratification: Insights for Sustainable Workforce Management | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Workplace |
Prof | Satoshi | Shimai | Kansai University of Welfare Sciences | 日本 | 219 | Understanding Meaning in Life: Demographic and Cultural Predictors of Presence and Search in Japan | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
A/Prof | Chris | Lo | James Cook University Singapore | Singapore | 563 | Understanding the Search for Meaning in Life: A Mixed-Methods Study of Lay Perspectives | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Spirituality and Meaning |
A/Prof | Stephen | Bowles | NDU USU | United States | 635 | United States Service Members Psychological Strengths Contributing to their Well-Being | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Ms | Keren | Jones | University Of Queensland | Australia | 536 | University as a time to gain knowledge and know your strengths: The University of Queensland Confidence Chats Program | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mrs | Aully | Grashinta | Faculty Of Psychology, Universitas Pancasila | Indonesia | 617 | Unleashing the Power of Teachers' Character: The Role of School Culture | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Dr | Tarli | Young | University of Queensland | Australia | 618 | Unlocking the Power of Social Identity in the Workplace: 5R Identity Leadership for Healthy, Inclusive, and Engaged Organisations | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Mr | Joe | Marques | Authentic Unlimited | United States of America | 467 | Unmasking Authenticity at Work: A Framework for Personal and Professional Growth | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Prof | Anna | Mikhof | University of Applied Sciences Bochum | Germany | 672 | Urban Mental Health in Germany | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Environment/Nature/Place |
Prof | Yanick | Provost Savard | Université Du Québec À Montréal | Canada | 198 | Using Boundary Theory to Improve Work-Life Balance During Remote Work: A Daily Diary Study | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Mr | Peter | Davison | Richmond Fellowship Queensland | Australia | 307 | Using Silence Purposefully: Supporting Emotional Wellbeing in Suicide Aftercare | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Workplace |
Mr | Troy | Norris | WellBalance Institute | United States of America | 33 | Using the Wellbeing Balance and Lived Experiences (WBAL) Model to Design Individualized Wellbeing Plans | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Mrs | Kristina | Shea | University Of Bologna | Italy | 358 | Virtuous Behaviors in Organizations – A Historical Review through Bibliometric Analysis | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Workplace |
Dr | Julie | Haizlip | University Of Virginia | United States of America | 425 | Voices From Medicine - Doctor Heal Thyself | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Arts and Culture |
Dr | Liana | Lianov | Global Positive Health Institute | United States | 414 | Voices From Medicine: Health Professionals’ Personal Stories of Thriving and Personal Growth | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Dr | Kathi | Norman | Positive Health & Well-Being | United States of America | 684 | Voices from Medicine: Patient Perspectives | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Prof | Narelle | Lemon | Edith Cowan University | Australia | 305 | Voices in the Making: Arts-Based Methods For & As Wellbeing | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Arts and Culture |
Dr | Nicholette | Kasman | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | United States of America | 668 | Voices of Medicine: Insights from the Operating Room | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Workplace |
Dr | Rory | Darkins | University of Wollongong & Marathon State of Mind | Australia | 460 | Want to Flourish? Don't take a Deep Breath, develop Breath Mastery | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Laura | Betancort | Booking | Spain | 589 | Weaving Narratives, Resilience and the Positive Humanities | Abstract Accepted as Storytelling | Arts and Culture |
Dr | Maggie | Zhao | University Of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 470 | Wellbeing Across Cultures: Navigating Diverse Perspectives | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Mr | Troy | Norris | WellBalance Institute | United States of America | 31 | Wellbeing balance and lived experiences assessment: a novel, valid, comprehensive measure of positive well-being | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Other (e.g., theory, conceptual, methods) |
Ms | Lisa | Baker | Faculty of Education, The University Of Melbourne | Australia | 451 | Wellbeing Literacy: A Bridge Between Language, Learning, and Flourishing | Abstract Accepted as Round Table Provocation | Education |
Dr | Ayse Burcin | Baskurt | University Of East London | United Kingdom | 260 | Wellbeing of Young Women Leaders: Measuring the Impact of SPARKS Leadership Programme | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Prof | Shiko | Kurihara | Your Happiness Is My Happiness | Japan | 144 | Well-being Rehabilitation Increases Rehabilitation Effectiveness. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Clinical |
Ms | Jo | Leech | Carey BGS | Australia | 211 | Wellbeing theory in practice. How we have taken a whole-school embedded approach towards developing curated wellbeing programmes. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Ali | Dunwoody | Carey Baptist Grammar School | Australia | 210 | Wellbeing theory in practice. How we have taken a whole-school embedded approach towards developing curated wellbeing programmes. | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Mrs | Anna | Partridge | Westminster School | Au | 115 | Welllbeing@West: A Place to Flourish | Abstract Accepted as Symposium | Education |
Dr | Sara | Ascenso | University College London & Royal Northern College Of Music | United Kingdom | 422 | What if? Understanding perceptions of Positive Psychology’s actual and possible societal impact among MAPP alumni in Portugal | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Society/Community/Cross Cultural |
Dr | Carlos G. | Castro | Universidad Tecmilenio | México | 300 | What Matters is The Emotion: Natural Leadership to Promote Well-Being in School | Abstract Accepted as 5 Minute Oral Presentation (Rapid Fire) | Education |
Dr | Tom | Brunzell | Berry Street Education Model | Australia | 93 | What’s NEXT for trauma-informed positive education in Australian schools and beyond | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Education |
Ms | Berni | Cooper | Queensland University Of Technology | Australia | 329 | What’s Working Well: An Exploration of Positive Higher Degree Research Student Experiences | Abstract Accepted as Poster | Education |
Ms | Keren | Jones | University Of Queensland | Australia | 529 | When a Love of Learning, Hope and Kindness Connect: The UQ Confidence Chats Program | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Education |
Mrs | Yvette | Krol | Deventer Hospital | Netherlands | 166 | Words as medicine: the healing effect of positive language | Abstract Accepted as 1 Hour Workshop | Health/Lifestyle/Leisure |
Ms | Berni | Cooper | Queensland University Of Technology | Australia | 577 | Workplace Wellbeing Literacy: the missing ingredient for promoting flourishing in organisations | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |
Dr | Raina | Chhajer | Indian Institute Of Management Indore, India | India | 47 | Yoga as a green exercise: Examining the impact on mental health and well-being of young urban adults | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Environment/Nature/Place |
Dr | Liana | Lianov | Global Positive Health Institute | United States | 412 | You-Me-Us: Adapting Meta-analytically Based Positive Psychology Interventions for Healthcare Settings | Abstract Accepted as 12 Minute Oral Presentation (Standard) | Workplace |